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Re: Need a challenge checker for GC8XN6K

[Cancelled] Need a challenge checker for GC8XN6K
August 02, 2020 04:09AM
Am requiring a challenge checker for cachers who have hidden 40 caches in total.

An aside: is it possible to have a checker for a challenge where the hidden caches must be active? Just putting this out there as I am not sure that this is possible, but if it is I would hide another cache and make that a challenge "hidden active caches". Please advise. Thank you!
Re: Need a challenge checker for GC8XN6K
August 02, 2020 04:53AM
I do not like to disappoint you but the challenge you propose is not allowed since the introduction in 2016 of the challenge guidelines

Please read https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=127&pgid=206#criteria
Not acceptable
Requiring cachers to own a cache.
Re: Need a challenge checker for GC8XN6K
August 03, 2020 06:23AM
Thanks. Very new to challenge caches ... will try to remember to read the guidelines a little more thoroughly next time :)
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