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Re: Request Checker for GC97X2N

[Cancelled] Request Checker for GC97X2N
April 30, 2021 02:31PM
Extreme Globetrotter Challenge GC97X2N

Find at least 1 physical cache in 5 out of 7 continents (North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia, Antarctica).

My qualifications:
North America - GC1BWPW - Head's Cache
South America - GC3Z578 - Panoramic Quito
Africa - GC97X2N Lake Manyara View
Europe - GC2K3K9 - Helsinki City Museum
Asia - GC74T0F - Hangzhou Underwater World not far away
Australia - 0
Antarctica - 0 (although I HAVE been there!)

Thanks! :)
Re: Request Checker for GC97X2N
April 30, 2021 05:06PM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC97X2N/60489

Please test and reply
Re: Request Checker for GC97X2N
May 01, 2021 01:22AM
It works GREAT, but I can only find 1 person in the area who meets the qualifications other than me. :(

You will be hearing from me again. THANK YOU!!!
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