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Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge

I was ask to create a checker for my challenge Ein Owner - zwei Caches. But going through the scripts I had no idea which one to mark and to set other parameters...:S
The requirements are very easy: Same owner, same date, not the same and not the neighboring region.
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
June 01, 2016 01:27PM
The challenging part here is the not the neighbouring region requirement - I don't believe there is any list that defines which regions are neighbouring. If you can produce a list (or someone else point at one) it may be possible to do.
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
June 01, 2016 02:40PM
I was afraid to hear from that...
That's why I wanted to create a some kind of pre-Checker that only gives out all the possible combinations of owners someone found at one date not in the same region. Is that possible?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/03/2016 07:01AM by TeamFlashSTL. (view changes)
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
July 19, 2016 12:46PM
I made a pre-checker for this one as you requested http://project-gc.com/Challenges//21953
The checker is not attached to the challenge but could be placed as an aid to the cachers to see if they qualify.
Sorry it took that long to answer but I did not read this thread, properly while on holiday, untill today
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
August 01, 2016 02:25PM
Thank you for building the pre-checker! :)
In my case or at users with less than 5000 founds it can be checked very easy manually. In other cases the D5-ratio may be worth a D6...:)-D
  • One problem is the data base of Project-GC. I.e.: http://coord.info/GC56V5P was placed in Hessen, P-GC placed it to Germany / Thüringen / Wartburgkreis. 8-) (but that's something you can't change...)
  • The ' "country": [ "Germany" ],' configuration is not needed, the challenge is not limitated to a country.
  • Better would be a solution with 2x SameX: "owner" AND "visitdate"
  • Is it possible to write the regions of the "3 or more"-regions owner to the table?
  • Is it possible to write the visitdate(s) in a column behind the "Region"-column?
Could you please try to change that? :)
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
August 01, 2016 05:36PM
I'm afraid that I overlooked one important thing in the checker and that is the condition the same day.
The script can not handle two similar condition (same visitday and same owner) so I have disabled the pre-checker.

I have tried another script for the above conditions but there the problem is that the printout does not give a selection of dates So there is no poosbility to select the date with two regions with one owner which are not joining each other.

Sorry, but I tried. I think we can archived this thread because there is no script which can supply you with a correct pre-checker.
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
June 01, 2016 02:26PM
In addition to what Mole125 states that you would need to produce a list of states and which states are neighbouring as such a list doesn't exist. If the google translate has correctly translated you state caches must be found on the same date. This violates the new challenge guidelines you may not place time restrictions on finding caches.

Thus unfortunately this cache wouldn't be approved by a reviewer and thus cannot have a checker written in its current state.
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
June 01, 2016 02:32PM
This in an existing granfathred challenge the checker i for. There is no reason in a day checkers for old challenge cant be created

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/01/2016 02:32PM by Target.. (view changes)
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
June 01, 2016 02:36PM
Sorry my mistake I'd not noticed that this was a grandfathered challenge.
Re: Pre-Checker for GC4RHDH Ein Owner - zwei Caches - Challenge
June 01, 2016 02:40PM
Easy to forget. But all challenge you can see the page and has no checker is an old challenge.
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