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Re: Checker for GCA0H1B

[Awaiting feedback] Checker for GCA0H1B
October 03, 2022 10:54PM
I would like to have a checker where you have to find a cache for each minute for both the N30 lattitude and the W95 longitude. The cache page I have for this cache is GCA0H1B. There are currently to two checkers related to this challenge request (N30 is GC43KH7 and W95 is GC4TB5N). Perhaps those two checkers could be combined into one? Thanks!
Re: Checker for GCA0H1B
October 04, 2022 03:19AM
Unfortunately, this challenge is not publishable under the current Challenge Cache Guidelines:

Challenge Cache Guidelines - 10. Source of Criteria

Challenges based on geographic areas other than countries, states/provinces, counties (or their local equivalent). Examples: user-defined mapping polygons, latitude/longitude, radius, etc.

Those existing challenges are grandfathered, and thus are permitted to remain active.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/04/2022 03:21AM by Hügh. (view changes)
Re: Checker for GCA0H1B
December 16, 2022 12:16PM
This thread has not received any further feedback and will therefor be moved to ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible). Should the requester have any queries he can raise his question on this thread in the archived section
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