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Re: Which continent does Cyprus belong to ?

[Awaiting feedback] Which continent does Cyprus belong to ?
November 14, 2022 10:46AM
Both geocaching.com as project-gc.com stats show Cyprus as being in Asia (which is geographically correct), but most checkers (like : https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC9FF63/62841) threat Cyprus as being in Europe ...

Can this be changed so Cyprus is correctly regarded as country geographically belonging to Asia.
Re: Which continent does Cyprus belong to ?
November 14, 2022 11:21AM
In the PGC stats, Cyprus is included in BOTH Asia and Europe. The same goes for Russia and Turkey. On Geocaching, Russia is only included in Europe, Türkiye and Cyprus are only included in Asia.
Re: Which continent does Cyprus belong to ?
November 14, 2022 12:08PM
Please contact the owner of the challenge because it is the owner who decide to which continent he allows Cyprus to be.

In this case he used a cloned chcker which has Cyprus in Europe but you are correct in the situation that you follow the New World Encyclopedia
Re: Which continent does Cyprus belong to ?
December 16, 2022 01:42PM
This thread has not received any further feedback and will therefor be moved to ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible). Should the requester have any queries he can raise his question on this thread in the archived section
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