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Re: Challenge Checker for caches distance from home

[Awaiting feedback] Challenge Checker for caches distance from home
February 02, 2023 11:18AM
Hi I was wondering whether it would fall within the rules to have the criteria for a challenge cache to have people find caches a certain distance of say a city centre?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2023 11:20AM by Devlin- Brown. (view changes)
Re: Challenge Checker for caches distance from home
February 02, 2023 11:53AM
Sorry that is not allowed

Rule 10
Not acceptable
Challenges based on geographic areas other than countries, states/provinces, counties (or their local equivalent). Examples: user-defined mapping polygons, latitude/longitude, radius, etc.
Re: Challenge Checker for caches distance from home
February 28, 2023 01:10PM
This thread has not received any further feedback and will therefor be moved to ARCHIVE Checker requests (impossible). Should the requester have any queries he can raise his question on this thread in the archived section
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