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Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E

[Resolved] Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 23, 2017 03:13AM
NOTE - Grandfathered cache, but probably allowed under current guidelines (?)

The general idea is to find 26 caches, like a typical alphabet challenge. BUT, you can only use 1 cache per state/province, which means that 26 different states/provinces in Canada/Mexico/USA.

Full rules below (with one extra note by me after the last rule)

1. Must find a cache with a name beginning with each letter of the Alphabet
2. First letter of the published cache name is the counter. (Excluding quotes, all other characters void cache)
3. No 2 caches can be in the same state or province. ( For those International travelers, this is limited to Canada, Mexico, and the USA)
4. Only finds (no hides) after 1-1-2008 can be used.
5. Event Caches count only if they are Mega.
6. Virtual and Earth caches will only count if you have a traditional (requiring log) in the same area within the same time frame of 1 or 2 days. (This is probably the hardest part to figure - would it make the program easier to just exclude virtuals and earthcaches? Or could they be excluded only if no other cache type was found within 2 days of the logging of these types? I think this was added to prevent armchair logging).
Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 23, 2017 01:46PM
Siamese Retriever Wrote:
> 6. Virtual and Earth caches will only count if you
> have a traditional (requiring log) in the same
> area within the same time frame of 1 or 2 days.
> (This is probably the hardest part to figure -
> would it make the program easier to just exclude
> virtuals and earthcaches? Or could they be
> excluded only if no other cache type was found
> within 2 days of the logging of these types? I
> think this was added to prevent armchair logging).

This is not bad at all. "Same area" means the same state?
Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 23, 2017 03:55PM
Good question... I think that would work. I will verify with the CO. Is there a way to use a radius from the virtual or EC instead of the same state?
Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 23, 2017 05:29PM
County is one option (smallest know area). Distance calculations are time consuming but possible.
Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 23, 2017 05:39PM
Thanks! I think state will work just fine.
Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 23, 2017 09:37PM
Checker is here https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC1VE0E/28899

It is now using the same state rule for virtuals and earth caches.
I think that there is no problems if some distance is used instead.

Please, try it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2017 10:20PM by arisoft. (view changes)
Re: Checker request for GC1VE0E
September 24, 2017 09:10PM
Looks good, thanks! 6 states and 6 letters to go.
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