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Re: Points-based Challenge

[Resolved] Points-based Challenge
February 13, 2018 12:17PM
I am creating a points-based challenge with the following parameters. It may change slightly but for now I just need a checker so I can see if I can easily determine how feasible the challenge is. The GC code is GC7GYMD.

Here's the challenge idea for now:

You need at least 50 points. You can earn points from finding oldie caches in the region of Toronto in certain years:

Each 2001 cache = 20 points
Each 2002 cache = 5 points
Each 2003 cache = 10 points
Each 2004 cache = 10 points
Each 2005 cache = 5 points

(If not enough people qualify for this challenge or it doesn't get approved, I would consider adding "Each 2006 cache = 1 point", but don't add that in for now).
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 13, 2018 02:16PM
Here is the link to the checker https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC7GYMD/32734

Please test and confirm
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 13, 2018 02:43PM
I did a quick check and got 10 cachers qualifying in a few minutes and there are plenty more
junglehair, carnigrewal, Mississauga Misfits, sparky500, jatmo, bestactuary, kayaklady52, geob.o.b, CarolynCL, FreeSpirited1
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 13, 2018 02:51PM
yes - I'm wondering if I made it too easy - might have to re-work the points system. Can you change it to this:

Each 2001 cache = 15 points
Each 2002 cache = 3 points
Each 2003 cache = 7 points
Each 2004 cache = 7 points
Each 2005 cache = 3 points
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 13, 2018 03:09PM
the points are changed
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 16, 2018 11:05PM
Thank you - waiting to hear back from Reivewer if it's an acceptable challenge or needs to be tweaked.
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 21, 2018 04:14AM
Hi there - challenge has been approved at 100 points required - I believe it's still currently set at 50 so the only change to be made is to set it to requiring 100 points. Also I have noticed that about half the time I run it, I get an error message. But it works great the rest of the time. The reviewer wasn't able to get it to work. Not sure if that's a checker problem or a more global project-gc issue?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2018 04:15AM by yellow.warbler. (view changes)
Re: Points-based Challenge
February 21, 2018 05:40AM
Checker changed to 100. When I tested this morning there were no issues at all.
Re: Points-based Challenge
March 03, 2018 03:00AM
Hi there,
Reviewer changed his mind on the 100 points and has instead approved it at 75. One last change to make it 75 points please :)
Re: Points-based Challenge
March 03, 2018 08:01AM
Changed to 75 points
Re: Points-based Challenge
March 04, 2018 04:20AM
Thank you!
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