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[Resolved] Checker please for GC7N86K

[Resolved] Checker please for GC7N86K
April 22, 2018 05:19AM
Checker please for GC7N86K

Tell me if this is feasible.
Criteria is to have found an event of any type in each of the 12 calendar months.
In the case of 1 month missing, a Mega find (any month) may be used as a wildcard. Only 1 wildcard may be used

Thank you very much
Re: Checker please for GC7N86K
April 22, 2018 10:07AM
Here's a checker for you: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC7N86K/34375

Please note that it seems you don't have an event in June or July, which means you don't yet qualify.

There is a corner case with the way I tagged it, which would be someone having non-mega events in 10 months and their only mega in the 11th month. This checker will pass that user. I doubt it will be common.

Please confirm if this is suitable.
Re: Checker please for GC7N86K
April 22, 2018 12:31PM
Hi there, can you confirm it will use all event types including CITO? I have a CITO find in June which is not in the results.

Re: Checker please for GC7N86K
April 22, 2018 12:51PM
Oops, slight error in the tag. It's fixed now and passes you
Re: Checker please for GC7N86K
April 22, 2018 12:55PM
Works perfectly, thank you
Re: Checker please for GC7N86K
April 24, 2018 07:21AM
January finds: 1
February finds: 1
March finds: 5
April finds: 5
May finds: 0
June finds: 2
July finds: 3
August finds: 7
September finds: 4
October finds: 2
November finds: 9
December finds: 0
Mega-events: 2
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