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[Resolved] Austria State Cachetypes Challenge

[Resolved] Austria State Cachetypes Challenge
September 26, 2018 08:22PM

would a checker be possible that requires a different cache type in each state of Austria?

So for instance, you would need a Traditional in Vienna, a Multi in Lower Austria, a Mystery in Burgebland and so on.

The listing is (unpublished of course) at https://www.geocaching.com/geocache/GC7Q1QX_bundeslander-cachetypes-challenge

Best regards

Re: Austria State Cachetypes Challenge
October 01, 2018 12:03AM
Here is the checker https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC7Q1QX/37551

It requires 9 regions from Austria with different cache type.

Please test and tell us whether it is suitable for you.
Re: Austria State Cachetypes Challenge
October 01, 2018 07:08AM
Hi, I cannot test it because the checker is disabled.

Thank you
Re: Austria State Cachetypes Challenge
October 01, 2018 08:51AM
Oops, sorry

Now enabled.
Re: Austria State Cachetypes Challenge
October 01, 2018 08:58AM
I tested the checker, looks good!

Thank you!
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