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Re: Checker "upgrade" request, GC7PWAN & GC7YH08

[Resolved] Checker "upgrade" request, GC7PWAN & GC7YH08
November 14, 2018 11:10PM
I would like to know if it is possible to upgrade the example log on the above two challenges. GC7PWAN has the requirement of finding earth caches in at least 3 countries other than the us (and up to 10) and at least enough US states to bring the total to 10. GC7YH08 has the same requirements except for virtual caches.

As far as I know, the checkers are identical except for the cache type, and both give (as far as I can tell) the correct result as far as satisfying the challenge. Both also include a script output that displays up to 10 countries and 7 states, also fine.

The issue is the example log text. It gives the correct numerical results (total number of qualifying countries and states), and lists the qualifying state caches, but does not include any of the qualifying country caches. So, my question/request is, can the qualifying countries also be listed in the example log?

Thanks for whatever help you can provide.

Re: Checker "upgrade" request, GC7PWAN & GC7YH08
November 15, 2018 03:36AM
Hmm... that's weird. I'll have a look when I've got a bit of time.
Re: Checker "upgrade" request, GC7PWAN & GC7YH08
October 09, 2019 10:37AM
Is this resolved ?
Re: Checker "upgrade" request, GC7PWAN & GC7YH08
October 09, 2019 06:08PM
Yes, it has been. Thanks.
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