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Re: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar

[Resolved] GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar
December 05, 2018 05:44PM

Can you please help us and make a checker to this cache: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar.

To qualify for the cache you have to have found one or more caches in the county of Vänersborg on more than 150 different days (not in a streak). Today when adding the request there are 38 different cachers fulfilling the challenge (including ourselfs).

Thank you in advance!
Re: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar
December 05, 2018 08:06PM
here is the link to the checker https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC7ZHFZ/38728

Please test and reply
Re: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar
December 05, 2018 08:08PM

I will, and thank you very much!
Re: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar
December 05, 2018 08:32PM

We have tested the checker and I am sorry, it works, but not as we thought. We did not explained it correct for you and we hope it would not give you too much trouble!

We would like the challenge to be like at "Project-GC - Statistics - Statistics found - Most days (Cachingdays)", "A list of how many days cachers logged a cache on".

Re: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar
December 05, 2018 08:45PM
Here I go again https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC7ZHFZ/38731
But it is difficult to check against you because you have hidden your statistics
Re: GC7ZHFZ Challenge: 150 olika dagar
December 05, 2018 09:16PM
Hi again,

Thank you very much! We have tested the checker and it works very well! Sorry about the hidden statistics but here is a copy from the test:

[-Tamara-](https://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=-Tamara-) har använt [Project-GC](https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC7ZHFZ/38731 "Project-GC Challenge Checker") för att se om hen uppfyller kraven för denna utmaning och det gör hon/han.

Total days cached in Vänersborg : 457

Thank you again and have a great day!

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