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Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72

[Resolved] Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 12:14AM
I am looking for a challenge check for a new cache GC85N72. The requirements are as follows:

Must have logged will attends for at least 100 events.
At least 3 events out of the 100 or more attended must have been mega events.
At least 3 events out of the 100 or more attended, must have been CITOs
At least 3 events out of the 100 or more attended, must have been hosted by the cacher logging the find.
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 03:35AM
I'am sorry but your proposed challenge is not allowed under the current guidelines.

Please raad 10. Source of Criteria and 14. Positive Challenge Criteria

Not acceptable
Requiring cachers to own a cache.
Not finding caches: design that limits or punishes any element of finding caches. Examples: Challenges that require ratios in finds; such as 10% of finds must be Attended logs, challenges that require finding only some particular type for over time, as 100 consecutive Mystery finds.
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 10:05AM
Can the challenge be just to log a will attend for 100 events?
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 11:49AM
Yes that is possible, here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC85N72/41737

Please test and reply
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 12:23PM
Yes, that worked but I have one other question. Can the challenge be to log 100 events, 3 megas and 5 CITOs? I just wanted to make it a tad more challenging.
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 12:37PM
Here is a new checker https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC85N72/41738

Please test and reply
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 12:39PM
Perfect thanks! This is my first one of these. So do I just copy the link onto the cache page?
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 12:42PM
To place the checker in your listing you can follow this procedure
1. Go to your Checker's page here (linked above).
2. There are buttons on the right side of the screen. Click the bottom one that says "Link."
3. Follow the instructions in the pop-up box. Copy the HTML into your clipboard.
4. Go to your cache listing and place it in "edit" mode.
5. Paste the HTML from your clipboard into the desired location within your cache description.
6. Check the acknowledgment boxes at the bottom of the edit page and then save your changes
Re: Challenge Checker for GC85N72
April 02, 2019 01:15PM
Got it! Thank you so much!
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