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Re: GC880ED - D3 and T3 challenge

[Resolved] GC880ED - D3 and T3 challenge
May 18, 2019 04:08AM
Hi again challenge checker experts,
I've deployed another challenge cache and I would like to request a checker.
Here are the parameters of the challenge:
Find at least 600 caches, such that in your DT grid the total number of finds in the D3 row is greater than or equal to 600, and total number of finds in the T3 column is greater than or equal to 600.
Caches in the 3/3 square count towards both the total in the D3 row and the total in the T3 column.
All cache types permitted.
Caches from all around the world are permitted.
Here's an image of my DT grid showing that I qualify on both the D3 row (625 finds) and the T3 column (614 finds).

I hope I've included all the information you need in order to make the checker. If not, please let me know.
Max (ZQX)
Re: GC880ED - D3 and T3 challenge
May 18, 2019 06:18AM
GC code?
Re: GC880ED - D3 and T3 challenge
May 18, 2019 06:27AM
Never mind, I found it. Doh. Here's your checker:


Please test and let us know if it's suitable.
Re: GC880ED - D3 and T3 challenge
May 18, 2019 08:08AM
That seems to work perfectly. I tested it using the names of geocachers I know, and got the results I was expecting. I just hope the reviewer lets it through.
Thanks again for the speedy turnaround on this!
Max (ZQX)
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