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Re: Need a new checker for GC8AX9N

[Resolved] Need a new checker for GC8AX9N
September 12, 2019 03:18PM
Hello, unfortunately the reviewer say that the Challenge can't be published like this. Therefore I need a new checker.

This is about this GC

New log conditions:

1.matrix at least three times full
2. at least 450 caches of size Regular
3. at least 1950 caches of size Small

Thank you and many greetings
Re: Need a new checker for GC8AX9N
September 12, 2019 03:56PM
Here's a checker for you:


Please test and let us know if it's suitable. PS: disabled the old checker as well.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/12/2019 03:57PM by pieterix. (view changes)
Re: Need a new checker for GC8AX9N
September 12, 2019 04:00PM
Yes, thank you the Checker is super suitable

Thank you :))
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