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Re: GC8HTYJ - Travelling Variety Challenge

[Resolved] GC8HTYJ - Travelling Variety Challenge
January 05, 2020 09:21PM

I'm creating a challenge that requires finders to have 50 icons, where finding any cache type in a state is one icon, and they need to have found fifty or more icons across all the states where they've found caches.

In the cache description, I wrote:

To qualify for this challenge, you must have found 50 different icons in different states.

For example, if you've found traditional caches, multicaches, an unknown cache, virtual cache and earthcache in Wisconsin, that's five icons in one state, and you'll need forty-five more icons in other states to qualify. If you've found a traditional cache in every US state, and Washington DC, that's fifty-one icons, and you've qualified!


Scott / sgauss
Re: GC8HTYJ - Travelling Variety Challenge
January 05, 2020 10:01PM
Here is the link to the checker https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC8HTYJ/47831

Please test and reply
Re: GC8HTYJ - Travelling Variety Challenge
January 05, 2020 10:26PM
That's great! I really like that it lists the states & icons! It looks correct.
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