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Re: Existing Checker Applied to new Cache

[Resolved] Existing Checker Applied to new Cache
March 11, 2020 02:00PM
GC8MN5T - Southern Oregon's Jasmer Challenge

Looking for a Jasmer challenge checker to create for Southern Oregon. This is my first time requesting a checker so trying to do things the right way. Thanks!
Re: Existing Checker Applied to new Cache
March 11, 2020 02:17PM
Please define what you mean by "Southern Oregon"? Do you have a list of counties that are make up that area? And do you want a full Jasmer for this area or only certain months?
Re: Existing Checker Applied to new Cache
March 11, 2020 02:20PM
Sorry. I am located in Southern Oregon and just setting up a regular Jasmer challenge cache for the area. It follows the same rules as the regular Jasmer challenge: at least one cache for each month beginning in May 2000.

Southern Oregon is just the location of the cache.
Re: Existing Checker Applied to new Cache
March 11, 2020 02:24PM
Okay, now your requirements are clear to me. Here's a checker for you:


Please test and let us know if it's suitable.
Re: Existing Checker Applied to new Cache
March 11, 2020 03:07PM
Thank you!
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