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Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please

[Resolved] A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 23, 2020 11:49PM
In order to log the cache, you must find two (2) caches each in ten (10) Hawaiian Counties, Alaskan Boroughs or Census Areas (Alaska doesn't have counties) and/or or Canadian Provinces (I know that Provinces are not the equivalent of counties but I am trying to keep in simple)
Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 24, 2020 12:14AM
Here's a checker for you:


Please test and let us know if it's suitable. Note that I only selected the Canadian Provinces, not the Territories, but let me know if you want to add those.
Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 24, 2020 01:23AM
Let's go ahead and do Territories. Also, I have 2 finds in 6 Provinces and the Checker only shows 4.
Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 24, 2020 02:16AM
Added the Territories and it now shows 5 for you.
Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 24, 2020 02:25AM
But I have at least 2 Finds in 7 Provinces and Territories, so I wonder if there is a glitch.
Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 24, 2020 08:24AM
It appears you have 2 finds in these areas in Canada: Yukon Territory, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, British Columbia. Which areas are the checker system missing? Please provide the GC codes for the finds in the areas not listed?
Re: A challenge checker for GC8RG9B please
May 24, 2020 02:56PM
Sorry, I had GSAK set to search by county, not Provinces, and that meant that various Provinces came up twice. It's all good. And thanks.
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