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Re: New checker for GC8N1NE

[Resolved] New checker for GC8N1NE
December 01, 2020 06:48AM
Hi :-)

Would you please help me create this challenge

Find a traditional cache every date of the month, every month of the year.
Find a multi cache every date of the month, every month of the year.
Find a mystery cache every date of the month, every month of the year.

Year do not matter. 29 February does not count.

Kind regards
Re: New checker for GC8N1NE
December 01, 2020 10:18AM
Hi, here is your checker, can you please test it and get back to us

Re: New checker for GC8N1NE
December 01, 2020 08:28PM
Nice work :-) It is so fine :-)
Thank you so much.

... now i just await the permission to use it :D
Re: New checker for GC8N1NE
December 01, 2020 10:20AM
Ummm, I just noticed that you have only 1 find..... do you realise that to publish a challenge you must meet that challenge yourself?... you are obviously a very long way from completing this challenge.

I wont delete the checker yet, maybe you are getting it made for someone else.... but we WILL need to know.
Re: New checker for GC8N1NE
December 01, 2020 08:26PM
That's fair, - I have had over 12 challenge checkers made in this name and you are the first to notice. :-)
You are absolutely right, I am requesting this on behalf of another profile.

I hope this is allright :-)
Kind regards
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