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[Resolved] birthday cache checker

[Resolved] birthday cache checker
December 05, 2020 03:17AM
I have seen birthday checkers for 10 caches. Can you modify and make it for lucky 13 caches?
Re: birthday cache checker
December 05, 2020 03:39AM
Hi, yes we can.

Just to clarify, the challenge is 13 finds found on any anniversary of their hidden date.

We will need a GC code to proceed
Re: birthday cache checker
December 05, 2020 07:30PM
Yes, that is correct. Here is GC:
I know I have 10 birthday finds (per GC4H6E4 ) not sure if I have 13. Is that absolute requirement?
Re: birthday cache checker
December 05, 2020 07:41PM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC93HA8/56999

Please test and reply
Re: birthday cache checker
December 06, 2020 12:18AM
It works ! I qualify...Thank u Thank u
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