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Re: New challenge Please create for GC998E0

[Resolved] New challenge Please create for GC998E0
April 12, 2021 07:10AM
Hello Dear
I would love to ask for a new challenge base on : https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC97NYE/59387

Please provide a checker for
The challenge is to find 500 caches with the Available 24/7 attribute,
154 caches with Food nearby attribute,
123 caches with the Restroom nearby attribute,
and 44 caches with all three of these attributes.

Thgank You in advance
Re: New challenge Please create for GC998E0
April 12, 2021 09:01AM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC998E0/59993

Please test and reply
Re: New challenge Please create for GC998E0
April 12, 2021 03:19PM
Works Excellent ! Thank You so much .
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