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Re: Checker requested for GC994TM - 2,000 Stealth Required attributes

Hello - We are requesting a challenge checker for GC994TM. To qualify for this challenge, geocachers must have accumulated TWO THOUSAND or more cache finds that each contain the (positive) 'Stealth Required' attribute. Thank You!
Re: Checker requested for GC994TM - 2,000 Stealth Required attributes
June 03, 2021 07:33PM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC994TM/61216

Please test and reply
Re: Checker requested for GC994TM - 2,000 Stealth Required attributes
June 03, 2021 08:13PM
I've tested this with about 10 cacher profiles, some who qualify, some who do not. All seems to be working fine. Thank You!
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