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Re: New Checker request_GC9MW9W_30 days challenge

[Resolved] New Checker request_GC9MW9W_30 days challenge
February 01, 2022 07:33AM
Hi together,
I would be happy, if someone could help me out with a checker for my Mysterie challange.
The task is quiet simple:

You have to log at least one single cache for every single day over 30 days in a row.
(Mysterie, Event, Tradi... everything that counts... sadly Adventrue Labs doesn`t count at all :(
my 256 streak becomes for most checkers worthless now... :(
Is there something out there to implement it into my listings?

I am looking forward to hear from you soon!

all the German best!
yours, Bavarian_GOD,
alias Erwin
Re: New Checker request_GC9MW9W_30 days challenge
February 01, 2022 10:28AM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC9MW9W/65990

Please test and reply
Re: New Checker request_GC9MW9W_30 days challenge
February 01, 2022 10:39AM
Wow, that was fast :)

Thx alot. The checker seems to work.
Can I copy the link to my "30 Days Challenge" Mysterie now?

Greetings from south Germany,
Re: New Checker request_GC9MW9W_30 days challenge
February 01, 2022 10:52AM
Yes, you can by using this procedure

1. Open the link as provided
2. Click on in the "link" button on the right
3. Copy the code for the third option and paste it into your cache description
(You might need to first click on the green button above the description to put it in the right mode.)
4. Save & preview and submit for publication once you're happy with it.

If you don't see the usual challenge check icon you might need to click the Source button above the cache description box before you paste the code.
Re: New Checker request_GC9MW9W_30 days challenge
February 01, 2022 11:29AM
Everything worked fine!

thank you for your support! I have already send in the cache for reviewing :)

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