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[Resolved] GC9TJ09 Large found 8 different months challenge

[Resolved] GC9TJ09 Large found 8 different months challenge
May 11, 2022 11:22PM

The challenge for GC9TJ09 is to find a large geocache on 8 different months of the calendar (January through December). For this challenge, December 2008 and December 2009 would be considered the same.

This can be from any year, any location, and be any type of geocache.
Re: GC9TJ09 Large found 8 different months challenge
May 12, 2022 06:22AM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC9TJ09/68710

Please test and reply
Re: GC9TJ09 Large found 8 different months challenge
May 12, 2022 02:51PM
The checker works great for both positive and negative tests.
Thanks for the help!
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