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Re: Edits to GC9PAZE

[Resolved] Edits to GC9PAZE
October 06, 2022 10:34PM

Finally working out my checker challenge details, and we've settled back on 2 Miles of Smiles even down to the legendary 50' version. So I'd like to request that this checker: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC9PAZE/66820
be extended to include a few more elevation ranges. Right now it is listed to be every 50' from 0-5000 with one cache up to 5150. Can it be edited to be 1 mile of elevation:

Every 50' from 0-5280... but with a little grace at the final range, finishing at 5,500, so top brackets would be 5200-5249, 5250-5500.

Also, on that note: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC9PAZF/66825
Would then be edited to include a top range up to 2 miles... but just the second mile: (5,280-10,560)
so new bottom bracket would be 5250-5299 and add in brackets above 10,000 for every 50' up to the topo bracket of 10,550-11,000 (as a grace period at the top since all the other 2 miles challenges top out at 11K).

NOTE: I know I now do NOT yet qualify for the part II, so I will not submit it for publication until I do qualify (2 caches away). Hope that works... and if that poses an issue with edited the second checker, we can just do Part I for now.

Thank you! Excited to get these finally published.

Re: Edits to GC9PAZE
October 07, 2022 09:39AM
Both checkers are adjusted, please test
Re: Edits to GC9PAZE
October 07, 2022 05:19PM
Thank you so much! The adjustments work as desired. You are awesome, as always. I greatly appreciate your time and effort!

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