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Re: Challenge checker for GCA2ERP

[Resolved] Challenge checker for GCA2ERP
November 25, 2022 10:33PM
Hi there

I need a checker for my newly planned challgenge, for which you have to log at least 100 geocaches in 6 consecutive calendar months (so a total of at least 600 geocaches, including lab-caches). The year is irrelevant.

Examples which would be ok:
- 100 or more geocaches / labs in Jan22, Feb22, Mar22, Apr22, May22, Jun22
- 100 or more geocaches / labs in Oct19, Nov17, Dec21, Jan15, Feb19, Mar22

Example which does not fulfill the criteria:
- 100 or more geocaches / labs in Sep22, Nov17, Dec14, Feb15, Mar22, Apr20 (Oct and Jan are missing)

Thanks for your help!
Happy caching
Re: Challenge checker for GCA2ERP
November 26, 2022 05:04AM
I would think that this Challenge would be denied by the Review under this Guideline:

Challenge Cache Guidelines - Section 9: Time-Limited

Requiring more than one find on any day or calendar date, even if cumulative. Example: find 5 caches for every date of the Finds for Each Day of the Year grid.

Finding "100 or more geocaches in one calendar month", even if cumulative over all years, would require a finder to find more than one find on a calendar date (since there are at most 31 days in a month.)
Re: Challenge checker for GCA2ERP
November 26, 2022 09:15AM
Hi Hügh
Trank you for your quick reply.
Doesn‘t the rule mean that it is not allowed to request a specific number of logs per day?
Otherwise, a 10,000 log challenge as for example GC76GN6 would not be possible. To have 10,000 logs, you need more than 1 log per day as well (10,000 / 365 = 27 years; GC doesn’t exist that long.
Are you sure that my challenge would not be accepted?
I‘m going to ask a local reviewer as well.
Thanks and best regards

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2022 09:41AM by key1000. (view changes)
Re: Challenge checker for GCA2ERP
November 26, 2022 01:06PM
I apologize. It was past midnight for me when I wrote that and I was very much asleep. The Guidelines do permit your Challenge:

Challenge Cache Guidelines - Section 9: Time-Limited

Finding some number of caches per month, provided the number is cumulative over all years. Example: 100 finds in Januarys.



Please test.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/26/2022 01:16PM by Hügh. (view changes)
Re: Challenge checker for GCA2ERP
November 26, 2022 01:25PM
Hoi Hügh
No worries, I‘m just glad that it is permitted.
Thank you very much for the checker, it works fine (at least for me).
Have a nice weekend and happy caching
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