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[Resolved] Request for checker for GCA81DN

[Resolved] Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 06, 2023 01:45PM
bonjour tous,

s'il vous plait, puis je avoir votre aide pour me faire le véricateur de challenge concernant GCA81DN :

Avoir Trouvé 16 géocaches mysteries dans le département français 22 totalisant au moins 192 Points Favoris (soit une moyenne de + 12 PF sur 16 géocaches) et avec par tailles au moins 1 Large + 1 Micro + 2 Normal + 3 Petites + 9 other !

Merci d'avance
cordialement, chup'a

-------------------------------------------------traduit par google translate--------------

hello all,

please, can I have your help to make me the checker of challenge concerning GCA81DN:

Have Found 16 mystery geocaches in the French department 22 totaling at least 192 Favorite Points (i.e. an average of + 12 PF on 16 geocaches) and with by size at least 1 Large + 1 Micro + 2 Normal + 3 Small + 9 other!

Thanks in advance
sincerely, chup'a
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 07, 2023 12:04PM
le département 22 de France est le département des cotes d'armor


department 22 of France is the department of cotes d'armor
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 07, 2023 04:18PM
Sorry but an average of + 12 PF on 16 geocaches is ratio caching which is not allowed

The only thing which is allowed is 16 caches with a minnmum of x number of favorite points and with by size at least 1 Large + 1 Micro + 2 Normal + 3 Small + 9 other!

Please read https://www.geocaching.com/help/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=127&pgid=206#positiveCriteria

Not acceptable
Challenges that require ratios in finds; such as 10% of finds
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 07, 2023 05:01PM
non je n'ai pas voulu demander un ratios mais un minimum
je vais changer la demande =

s'il vous plait, puis je avoir votre aide pour me faire le véricateur de challenge concernant GCA81DN :

Avoir Trouvé 16 géocaches mysteries dans le département français 22(cotes d'armor) totalisant au moins 192 Points Favoris et avec par tailles au moins 1 Large + 1 Micro + 2 Normal + 3 Petites + 9 other !

Merci d'avance
cordialement, chup'a

no I did not want to ask for a ratios but a minimum
I will change the request =

please, can I have your help to make me the checker of challenge concerning GCA81DN:

Have Found 16 mystery geocaches in the French department 22 (cotes d'armor) totaling at least 192 Favorite Points and with by size at least 1 Large + 1 Micro + 2 Normal + 3 Small + 9 other!

Thanks in advance
sincerely, chup'a

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/07/2023 05:38PM by Chup'a. (view changes)
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 12, 2023 09:08AM
ma réponse n'est elle pas suffisante ? avez vous besoin d'un complément ?
merci d'avance

Good morning
isn't my answer sufficient? do you need a supplement?
thanks in advance
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 15, 2023 09:49PM

suite aux recommadations de reviewer je simplifie et redemande un challenge plus simple


following the recommendations of reviewer I simplify and ask for a simpler challenge
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 15, 2023 10:07PM

je relance ma demande de vérificateur pour un plus simple =

Avoir un total d'attributs d'au moins 14 vérificateurs de solutions

merci ---------------------------


I relaunch my verifier request for a simpler =

Have an attribute total of at least 14 solution checkers

Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 15, 2023 11:11PM
Re: Request for checker for GCA81DN
May 22, 2023 10:36AM
test positif et réussi

merci beaucoup
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