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Re: Checker script fix/extension for GCA0BDC/GC9ZRZF/GCA3331

[Awaiting feedback] Checker script fix/extension for GCA0BDC/GC9ZRZF/GCA3331
May 08, 2023 06:02PM
I've created tags
for challenges published today
GCA0BDC, GC9ZRZF and for GCA3331

and one user (tittat) contacted me about bug they found from the checker - apparently checker mixes regions of same name from two different countries (e.g. Belgium / Luxembourg && Luxembourg / Luxembourg and Netherlands / Limburg & Belgium / Limburg).

I tested and confirmed the problem to be as user reported (for simple testing/reproducing, use tag https://project-gc.com/Challenges//77440 and run it for my nick)

You have found 3 of 12 required caches.
1. Belgium | Namur - [2000-07-07] GC40 Geocache 2022-10-07
2. Belgium | West-Vlaanderen - [2002-03-23 Archived] GC4486 The Polders 2022-10-09
3. Belgium | Brabant wallon - [2002-08-04] GC7A16 The Eagle's Last Battle 2022-10-07
>>> problem here, one cache from Belgium, another from Luxembourg
*** Luxembourg: Oldest found GCR7ZP 2005-11-06 - Oldest available GC488B 2002-03-30

Based on initial feedback from script creator this is caused by using script with tag config where there is region without country as limiter, as problem does not occur if region+single country combination is used.

Thus, kindly requesting if there would be someone to extend the script by introducing the region filtering capability in a way that it also distinguishes regions that are from different countries from each other?

Thanks in advance,
Re: Checker script fix/extension for GCA0BDC/GC9ZRZF/GCA3331
May 08, 2023 09:13PM
I suspect that this can be fixed easily by arisoft by fixing the script.

They appear active on Geocaching.com, so try sending them a message.
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