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Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge

[Resolved] Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 14, 2023 10:40PM
GCA7TAW This is a challenge cache and is at posted coords . Use the checker before logging cache. It normally takes 120 Credit Hours to obtain a Bachelor Degree so by using the following checker we will see if you will receive a diploma. BYOP.

Traditional Cache  500 =6 Credit  Hours
Unknown Cache ? 500= 6 Credit Hours
Earthcache  100 = 6 Credit hours
Letterbox Hybrid  100 = 6 credit hours
Virtual Cache  100 = 6 Credit hours
Multi-cache  100 = 6 Credit hours
Regular and Cito Event Cache  100 =6 Credit Hours
Wherigo Cache  100 = 6 Credit Hours
Webcam Cache  10 = 6 Credit Hours
Mega-Event Cache  5 = 6 Credit Hours . You will need to have logged the at least the specified number to receive credit.
Complete the D/T Matrix 9 Credit Hours
Complete the Jasmer Challenge 9 Credit Hours
100 Souvenirs 3 credit hours.
200 Souvenirs 3 Credit hours.
300 Souvenirs 6 Credit hours.
Log 20 Caches that were placed in the year 2000 9 Credit Hours.
Log 100 Caches placed in 2001 9 Credit Hours.
Log 200 Caches placed in 2002 6 credit hours.
Log 300 Caches placed in 2003 6 Credit hours.
Log a cache Elevation at least 14,000 feet 6 Credit Hours.
Log a cache Elevation 100 feet below sea level 6 Credit Hours.
Log 10 caches with Favorite points of at least 1,000 9 credit hours.
Log 1000 Regular size caches 6 Credit Hours.
. Again you need 120 Credit hours to log a find.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2023 12:59PM by Ground Fox. (view changes)
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 15, 2023 03:13AM
I am not sure if this is possible. I think a new script will be required.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/15/2023 03:13AM by Hügh. (view changes)
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 15, 2023 11:15PM
what does new script is that by me or you guys working on it is it too long let me know steve
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 15, 2023 11:22PM
The checker infrastructure is split into two parts. Scripts, and tags. Scripts are generic, ie. "find X caches of Y type." A tag is the association between geocache and Challenge, ie. "GCXXXXX is the script with X = 100 and Y = Multi-cache."

There are currently scripts for doing points, but unfortunately not one versatile enough for some of your requests. In particular, I do not believe that the following two are currently possible:

  • You will receive 4 credit hours for every 100 counties you log a cache in No more than 40 credit hours can be earned here.
  • Log a 1,000 caches in a state and receive 4 Credit hours, if you have that many in numerous states you may receive up to 40 credit hours for example if you have logged 1,000 caches in 10 different states.

If I have time next weekend, I may write it myself or try to convince someone else to do it.

Also, if the following:

Terrain must be above 2.0 on D/T Grid 3 Credit Hours.

Is in regard to the "average" D/T rating, that is not publishable.
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 16, 2023 01:18AM
@Hügh- I think the only two that the multi-test checker can't handle properly (right now), are:

- You will receive 4 credit hours for every 100 counties you log a cache in No more than 40 credit hours can be earned here.
- Log a 1,000 caches in a state and receive 4 Credit hours, if you have that many in numerous states you may receive up to 40 credit hours for example if you have logged 1,000 caches in 10 different states.

In my extended mulit-test checker, I have the same-x/different-y script included in there, but it doesn't calculate any points. I think it could be extended further to handle the second one. Likewise, for the first one, if adv_number was modified to give out points (eg. for nrcounties, et al), I think that could handle the first one.
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 16, 2023 11:33AM
Thanks for the hard work let me know if i need to take something out and i will renumber some others steve
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 16, 2023 12:22PM
Well, as Hügh said, definitely "DT average above 2" is not allowed, as it would encourage users to skip finding low T caches. But, you could modify it so that you have N number of high T finds (for example).

You might also run into a reviewer that says the challenge is too complicated (some think we're morons :)), but I guess you'll find that out when you submit the challenge.
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 16, 2023 12:59PM
i made some changes is this possible steve
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 16, 2023 05:42PM
With these changes it is a lot easier for us now. Thank you.


Please test.
Re: Bachelor Degree Challenge
May 16, 2023 06:38PM
THANKS WORKS GREAT thanks for the hard work on this.
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