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Re: changes script

[Resolved] changes script
July 11, 2023 07:20AM
Hello, I submitted a challenge that already exists in Australia; I just cloned the script! the problem is that the challenge was refused to me by the reviewer because it was too complicated (see reviewer message below)

Is it possible to modify the script and pass from 25 to 15 conditions out of the 30 requested?

I leave the link of my challenge below!




Merci d'avoir demandé la publication de votre cache !
Non publiable car trop compliqué.

Guidelines : The challenge requirements should be simple, and easy to explain, follow and document. A long list of rules or restrictions may prevent publication.

Miguaine - "Geocaching HQ Volunteer Reviewer".
Re: changes script
July 11, 2023 07:24AM
Hello AEYL,

We cannot edit your tag, so I have made a new one for you:


I suspect your Reviewer will probably still deny it, since the big list of 30 challenges ("long list of rules") is still there.

@vogelbird - please disable 79287.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2023 07:25AM by Hügh. (view changes)
Re: changes script
July 11, 2023 07:59AM
Re: changes script
July 11, 2023 01:41PM
Cloned tag disabled
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