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[Resolved] New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard

[Resolved] New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
July 30, 2023 03:20PM
Hello !

I'd like to create a new challenge cache (GCAC3H7) that would require a checker.
The goal would be to form a chessboard pattern with the squares of your D/T matrix with two different cache types (as there are only 64 squares on a chessboard, 64 combinations out of 81 are required in total) :

With a first type A ("Unknown", for example), the following 32 cells would have to be filled in:
D1/T1, D1/T2, D1/T3, D1/T4,
D1.5/T1.5, D1.5/T2.5, D1.5/T3.5, D1.5/T4.5
D2/T1, D2/T2, D2/T3, D2/T4,
D2.5/T1.5, D2.5/T2.5, D2.5/T3.5, D2.5/T4.5
D3/T1, D3/T2, D3/T3, D3/T4,
D3.5/T1.5, D3.5/T2.5, D3.5/T3.5, D3.5/T4.5
D4/T1, D4/T2, D4/T3, D4/T4,
D4.5/T1.5, D4.5/T2.5, D4.5/T3.5, D4.5/T4.5

With a second type B ("Traditional", for example), the following 32 cells would have to be filled in:
D1/T1.5, D1/T2.5, D1/T3.5, D1/T4.5,
D1.5/T1, D1.5/T2, D1.5/T3, D1.5/T4
D2/T1.5, D2/T2.5, D2/T3.5, D2/T4.5,
D2.5/T1, D2.5/T2, D2.5/T3, D2.5/T4
D3/T1.5, D3/T2.5, D3/T3.5, D3/T4.5,
D3.5/T1, D3.5/T2, D3.5/T3, D3.5/T4
D4/T1.5, D4/T2.5, D4/T3.5, D4/T4.5,
D4.5/T1, D4.5/T2, D4.5/T3, D4.5/T4

Ideally (in order to provide some degree of freedom), the two types A and B (distinct types) could be any cache type where it's possible to complete the D/T matrix. If this is not possible or too complex, only Unknown and Traditional.
Ideally again, the other "corners" of the matrix where the chessboard is placed would be accepted too. If this is not possible or too complex, only the top left corner as described in the example above.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here are a few examples of possible configurations :) (At the very least, the challenge needs to be validated if one of the two cases in the first column applies).

And of course, I meet the conditions as shown in the following image:

Thank you ! (and sorry for the pretty complex request...)

PS: If it's possible to add a visual representation of the "chessboard" (like this challenge checker for example , but with the 2 different type icons), that would be awesome !
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
July 30, 2023 07:10PM
...new script required, I think? Thoughts, taggers?
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
July 31, 2023 11:37AM
Agreed, perhaps an extension of https://project-gc.com/Tools/Challenges?edit&addTag&scriptId=10225 ?

Otherwise a new script would not be too difficult.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2023 11:38AM by DrAcorn. (view changes)
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
August 01, 2023 01:36AM
Extending that one might not be straightforward... You'd somehow need to remove the type that passed in the first fizzy check, and then do the second one. Could be done, but would be slightly hacky I think. A new script would probably be easier.
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
August 02, 2023 12:11PM

Not much of an output when you don't qualify, but a bit too many variables to make something pretty when there's a good breakdown in the PGC-stats.
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
August 02, 2023 04:56PM
Hello !

This is wonderful, thank you a lot for your script olalb !!
However, it looks like there is an error when someone doesn't qualify : [string ""]:281: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil). Do you know if this is normal ?

Best regards,

Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
August 02, 2023 05:35PM
Not expected.
I'll check it tonight (or tomorrow) when I get home.
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
August 02, 2023 07:37PM
So, should be fixed.

The people I tested on had a bit more data so I missed a tablecheck.
Re: New checker for GCAC3H7 - D/T matrix chessboard
August 02, 2023 08:43PM
This is perfect now, thank you so much ! :D

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