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[Resolved] Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR

[Resolved] Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 11, 2023 08:59PM
https://coord.info/GC31KZR - Around the World Texas Style

This one is pretty straightforward. I will accept any cache within a 10 mile same-county radius. so within 10 miles of the city center point and within the same county. Of the 30 listed cities, only London has two possibilities.

I adopted this cache today.
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 12, 2023 01:08AM
Oh, good for you to have adopted this one, since these aren’t publishable anymore.

Do you have coordinates for each city, or are you good with the “admin_center”/“label” nodes off OSM?
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 12, 2023 06:54PM
I am good with the center point nodes from OSM. If you have an easy way to query for them, please do.
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 12, 2023 08:55PM
I had some time so I copied the 31 different lat, lon center points from OSM into that google spreadsheet you provided me earlier for the I've Been Everywhere Challenge. 10 mile radius for each AND the the cache must be in the same county. If possible when displaying results, can the checker show the cache closest to the center point AND its distance from the center point ?
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 13, 2023 12:02AM
Let's try this: https://project-gc.com/Challenges/80163

For each city/town, it'll pick the user's closest find (at most 10 miles, and within the same county) to use. If a user has no finds, the map displays a red circle and suggests the closest active (not disabled, not archived) cache to the centre point (to a maximum of 5km = 3.1miles, this is to reduce strain on the servers -- it seems that at this present moment all have a cache within 5km so this doesn't fail.)
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 13, 2023 02:15AM
That is pretty much what I wanted. It looks great. You can put this one into production.
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 13, 2023 06:30PM
Re: Checker tor the last of the Texas Geographic Challenges GC31KZR
August 13, 2023 07:07PM
look great. thanks for this.
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