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Re: Challenge Checker Request - GCAD6AK "6 Cache Sizes Everyday Challenge

To whom it may concern,

Could I please request a challenge checker be made for my new challenge cache "6 Cache Sizes Everyday Challenge" (GCAD6AK).

This challenge requires the finder to find six (6) different cache sizes each day of the month (1 - 31). The eligible cache sizes would be Micro, Small, Regular, Large, Other, Virtual, or Not Chosen. So you only need to find 6 or the available 7 eligible cache sizes.

In order to qualify for this challenge all thirty-one (31) days need to be one cache size. So you can not have found a Micro, Small, Regular, Large, Other, and Virtual on the first 30 days and then on the 31st day have found a Micro, Small, Regular, Larger, Other, and Not Chosen

The thirty-one (31) days used to qualify for each of the six (6) different cache sizes do not need to be found as a streak or on consecutive days. They do not need to even be found in the same month or even in the same year and any cache within the world should be able to be used to qualify for the challenge.

If it is possible I was wondering if the script output could be like a calendar, similar to the below one.


Thank you so much for taking the time to review my request.


Re: Challenge Checker Request - GCAD6AK "6 Cache Sizes Everyday Challenge
August 24, 2023 03:45PM
Hello horror.fan.jm,

Thanks for the link to that tag; I had forgotten that I had written that script. You can use:


Please test it, and let me know if it is as requested or if it requires further modification.

Re: Challenge Checker Request - GCAD6AK "6 Cache Sizes Everyday Challenge
August 28, 2023 01:12PM
Hey Hugh,

Thank you so much for taking the time to create the checker. I. have tested it out and looks like it works perfectly. Thank you so much.


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