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Re: Challenge Checker Request - GCAJ63N "Sapling Challenge"

[Resolved] Challenge Checker Request - GCAJ63N "Sapling Challenge"
January 10, 2024 09:24AM
To whom it may concern,

Could I please request a challenge checker be made for my new challenge cache "Sapling Challenge" (GCAJ63N).

This challenge requires the finder to find ten (10) geocaches that have the "Tree Climbing Required" attribute and that also has a Terrain Rating of 2.0 or less (so T1.0, T1.5, and T2.0).

The eligible caches can be hidden any day of any year. The finds should be allowed to be found on any day, anywhere in the world, and as many on a single day as they would like.

Could you please limit the eligible caches to only Letterbox Hybrids, Multi-caches, Mystery/Unknowns, Traditionals, and Wherigos.

If it is possible can the output state:

"Cacher" Found "X" amount of caches with the "Tree Climbing Required" attribute and that also has a Terrain Rating of 2.0 or less

Then only list the first 10 eligible caches using like the following:

01: GC Code, Cache Name, Cache Type, D/T Rating, Date Found

Thank you so much for taking the time to review my request.


Re: Challenge Checker Request - GCAJ63N "Sapling Challenge"
January 10, 2024 09:55AM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GCAJ63N/84529

Please test and reply
Re: Challenge Checker Request - GCAJ63N "Sapling Challenge"
January 10, 2024 10:28AM
Hello vogelbird,

Thank you so much for your quick response. The checker looks great. Thank you so much for your help.


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