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[Resolved] Checker - GC733MN- 3 4.5/4.5s

[Resolved] Checker - GC733MN- 3 4.5/4.5s
April 01, 2017 07:21AM

This is the 3rd of 9 caches based on "balanced" DTs. e..g 1/1, 3/3, 4/4 etc.
All caches on geocaching.com count towards the challenge.
The criteria for the 4.5/4.5 is 3 finds on 4.5/4.5 caches.
I am aware I dont reach the criteria for 2 of the challenges as of today but I will by the time they are in place and published.

I dont require a list of qulifying caches. The report can simply be that they have XXX finds and qualify or dont.


Re: Checker - GC733MN- 3 4.5/4.5s
April 01, 2017 09:08AM
Here is the link to the checker http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC733MN/25697

Please confirm that this is the checker you require
Re: Checker - GC733MN- 3 4.5/4.5s
April 01, 2017 09:40PM
Perfect. Thanks
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