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[Resolved] 5/7 Wherigo Challenge

[Resolved] 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 12, 2017 10:50AM

friend of mine would like to place Challenge cache "5/7 Wherigo Challenge". We'd like to ask someone to create checker.

Name: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
GCCode (unpublished): GC739MM

Conditions: Goal is to meet at least 5 from following 7 conditions.

1.) at least 1 Wherigo cache with Difficulty 5 (D5)
2.) at least 2 Wherigo caches in each of 8 Regions of Slovakia
3.) at least 3 Wherigo caches with Terrain 3 (T3)
4.) at least 4 Wherigo caches in different country than Slovakia
5.) at least 55 Wherigo caches in Total
6.) at least 6 Wherigo caches placed before 1.1.2010
7.) at least 7 Wherigo caches with more than 50 favorite points

- I'm volunteer reviewer and can confirm that this idea is publishable, owner is missing just the SINGLE checker (not 7 independent checkers, they have to be combined into 1).
- From nature of conditions, it will be customized to one Challenge cache only, but idea can be replicated elsewhere in future. Variables are not important for us, but can be useful for clones.

Thank you very much for help.
I know very well this is not peanuts to ask for and requires lot of time & effort to invest.
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 12, 2017 01:40PM
Here is the link to the checker http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC739MM/25887

Please confirm that this is the checker you require

With the easy tagging there is a small problem in the 2 caches per region
It is not possible to use the group setup for item 2 so each region is a seperate line

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2017 01:52PM by vogelbird. (view changes)
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 12, 2017 01:59PM
Hello Lean, wow thank you for fast solution!
I did not know about this generic script from mole125.

Checker works fine, but I see problem with general condition - 5 of 7 is OK to complete the challenge.
I'm not sure if this is even possible to setup, because of sub-conditions of 2nd condition (2a - 2h, regions).

For example take cacher "cdrw". He has completed all conditions apart from 2nd. So he has 6 out of 7 and checker should return green for him, but he is red.

I don't know - is it possible to respect 5 out of 7? Or we can simply ask for 7 out of 7, all conditions to meet ..
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 12, 2017 02:50PM
If we could make it item 2
1 cache in 2 regions or 2 caches in a mentioned region the problem is solved
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 12, 2017 03:00PM
Ok, I will discuss it with the owner shortly. Thank you!
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 12:22AM
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 08:31AM
Wow, this gives great outcome, thank you! Let me show it to cache owner and will come back to you shortly, to confirm.
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 08:51AM
It look there is a problem with item 4, I tried to exclude Slovakia yesterday but the total was the same as the total finds.

Can sumbloke check the script because looks like a bug
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 08:59AM
Condition 4 (at least 4 Wherigo caches in different country than Slovakia) works good for me now.
I found WIGs in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany and Turkey and checker gives me total of 3 countries, which is correct.
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 09:45AM
A slightly different setup http://project-gc.com/Challenges//25901
section 2 as per your region output
section 5 only a summary

But still a problem with section 4 where the list show only gives one cache

When I tried a cacher Bati who has :
4; Type Wherigo Cache in different country than Slovakia - You currently have : 2
5; Type Wherigo Cache - You currently have : 45

The result of section 4 shows green which is not correct

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/13/2017 10:08AM by vogelbird. (view changes)
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 10:34AM
Oh, I see .. I looked at it closer - you have to use "needed" in 4.condition (means number of needed countries), instead of "minTotal" (means number of needed caches in Total, accross all countries).

This is my copy of your tag with condition 4 corrected:

But I don't want to "steal" you this tag, when you put so much effort, so please, correct yours and tag it to GC code - GC739MM and we can consider it done.

Thank you, I have learned couple of new scripts after some pause .. nice ones are available out there!

Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 10:58AM
Sorry Matus, but I am confused now

The original question was 4.) at least 4 Wherigo caches in different country than Slovakia
which could mean 4 in for example Austria but by using needed you are asking for 4 countries

Original you would pass
4; Type Wherigo Cache in different country than Slovakia - You currently have : 5
5; Type Wherigo Cache - You currently have : 47

But in the new steup you fail
Rikitan has found required number of caches (1) in each of 3 countries (required number of countries: 4).
# Country Region County Cache Found date
1/1 Turkey Marmara Bölgesi İstanbul wherigo.gif SPEED DATING in ISTANBUL (GC5G1XH) 2015-02-28
2/1 Germany Bayern München wherigo.gif Speed Dating in München (GC43AFR) 2014-08-16
3/1 Czech Republic Hlavni mesto Praha Hlavní město Praha wherigo.gif Za prazskymi vodniky (Water Sprites in Prague) (GC1CXR3) 2013-09-07
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 11:16AM
You are correct, I'm sorry for confusion!
Anyway, I think we have to use "findsTotal" instead of "minTotal" in variable of section 4.

BUT, you are right "ExcludedCountries":["Slovakia"] seems to not work properly, I need to look at it closer.
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 13, 2017 11:29AM
Yes, sumbloke is missing TExcludedCountries condition in his Multiple test Checker (by Target.) enhanced script.

Line 3545 of the script should be changed from:
if TExcludedTypes[ cache['type']] == nil and cache['gccode'] ~= nil and cache['gccode'] ~= "" then
if TExcludedTypes[ cache['type']] == nil and TExcludedCountries[ cache['country']] == nil and cache['gccode'] ~= nil and cache['gccode'] ~= "" then

Then it should work fine, I will notify him.
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 14, 2017 10:10AM
Sumbloke fixed the script and here is the checker http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC739MM/25901
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 18, 2017 09:14AM
Thank you guys, great help.
Re: 5/7 Wherigo Challenge
April 12, 2017 03:26PM
Marking as awaiting feedback (from cache owner). I will let you know what is his preference.
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