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Re: GC758VJ checker

[Resolved] GC758VJ checker
May 11, 2017 05:32PM
The checker for this is throwing up some results I and the cacher concerned don't understand. Are you able to clarify what they mean please?
If you put Stoke Bunnies into the checker he seems to meet the criteria, but has 2 red crosses with criteria we don't understand, and so he doesn't meet the criteria.
Ky Devas
Re: GC758VJ checker
May 11, 2017 05:54PM
I have collected 0 favorite points with 0 found caches.
The line above tells you the qualification "At least four of the UK caches must have 250 FPs or more." but he did not find any cache in the UK with enouth points.

I have collected 454 favorite points with 1 found caches.
Again the line above states the qualification "At least one cache from Europe, excluding the UK, must have 1000 FPs or more." but he found only a cache with 454 favorite points in Europe

I must admit that the green mark in front of the qualification is throwing you of a bit but the checker tells as shown below that the cacher does not pass the checker

Stoke Bunnies does not fulfill challenge KD's Favourites Challenge. DM17. (GC758VJ) according to http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC758VJ/26307
Re: GC758VJ checker
May 11, 2017 11:06PM
Ah, yes, because the qualification line has a green tick against it we had both assumed that meant he met that criteria. I'll let him know that is just a header and to ignore the tick.
Many thanks,
Ky Devas
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