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[Resolved] Checker for GC8Y247

[Resolved] Checker for GC8Y247
August 21, 2020 07:37AM

We are now wishing to create a silver level of the Quasy Challenge GC8GAH4.
The challenge is to find at least one of six different cache types every month of the year. Events are excluded at the request of our local reviewer.

Re: Checker for GC8Y247
August 21, 2020 08:23AM
Hi, just some quick questions:
- what 6 types?
- a find in ANY January will count as your January, not in a calendar year (which likely wouldnt be allowed)?
Re: Checker for GC8Y247
August 21, 2020 08:35AM

This is the checker for our bronze level :

<b><a href="https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC8GAH4/52948"><img src="https://cdn2.project-gc.com/Images/Checker/52948"; title="Project-GC Challenge checker" alt="PGC Checker" /></a></b>

The original idea came from GC532ER - Quasy Challenge (a.k.a. 96 Tears) (Canada)

For this new cache we require 6 instead of 5 any type of cache excluding events. Our instructions will be similar to GC8GAH4 which were:

1. There are eight major types of caches: Traditional, Multi, Mystery, Earthcache, Letterbox, Virtual, Wherigo and Events. However for this challenge Events will not be included.

2. The challenge is to find at least one of five different cache types in every month of the year from January to December.

3. You must find the same five cache types each month. For example, we have found at least one Traditional, Multi, Mystery, Earthcache and Letterbox in each month from January to December. However, your five different cache types may not necessarily be the same as our five.

4. Multiple years are allowed, there is no geographical restriction and past finds do count.

5. Remember Events are not included in this Challenge.

Re: Checker for GC8Y247
August 21, 2020 09:20AM
Here is the link https://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC8GAH4/46790

Please test and reply
Re: Checker for GC8Y247
August 21, 2020 09:24AM
Perfect thanks
Just the Gold left - hopefully next month.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2020 09:42AM by vogelbird. (view changes)
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