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Once a checker request has been fulfilled and the challenge owner (or checker requester) is satisfied the thread should be moved here by a moderator. Please allow some time before moving the thread, to allow feedback from the requester.

Message: Re: GC91D9M; The Y2K Stash Challenge

Changed By: GreyHams
Change Date: January 05, 2021 08:12AM

Re: GC91D9M; The Y2K Stash Challenge
I think this might fall foul of the guidelines.... in particular #13 Find Date. Excluding archived caches means excluding finds people made (when the hide was not archived).

Can I request you get approval from a reviewer first please?

edit: I should point out that we don't know if a finder found a hide before it was archived or after.

edit2: Ummm, I think I may be wrong...completely. Can I ask for another opinion from the moderators please?
Changed By: GreyHams
Change Date: January 05, 2021 08:10AM

Re: GC91D9M; The Y2K Stash Challenge
I think this might fall foul of the guidelines.... in particular #13 Find Date. Excluding archived caches means excluding finds people made (when the hide was not archived).

Can I request you get approval from a reviewer first please?

edit: I should point out that we don't know if a finder found a hide before it was archived or after.

Original Message

Author: GreyHams
Date: January 05, 2021 08:08AM

Re: GC91D9M; The Y2K Stash Challenge
I think this might fall foul of the guidelines.... in particular #13 Find Date. Excluding archived caches means excluding finds people made (when the hide was not archived).

Can I request you get approval from a reviewer first please?