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[Cancelled] GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 22, 2016 11:49PM
I need a checker for GC6KY4K The 2.0 D & T Average Challenge
Requirements are having at least a 2.0 Difficulty AND Terrain ratings average. While having at least 500 finds.
Much thanks in advance.
Re: GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 23, 2016 06:42AM
The answer is going to be the same as when you made the request last week. (http://project-gc.com/forum/read?10,1489)

This cache would not be allowed under rule
14. Positive Challenge Criteria:. "Not allowed. Not finding caches: design that limits or punishes any element of finding caches. Examples: Challenges that require ratios in finds"
Re: GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 23, 2016 02:41PM
I'm sorry for the duplicate request. I never got an email saying there was a response.
And then I noticed that my email wasn't verified and that I was signed in as a guest. Which I thought meant that maybe the request I made earlier didn't get posted.
Anyway, I'm not sure I agree with you but oh well. I read all the rules before I submitted my request and I thought I should be good to go.
Re: GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 23, 2016 03:54PM
How do you not get punished by finding low D and T caches? You will limit the proportion of low D and T finds you can have to meet the requirement.
It is almost the same as the 10% attendes logs in the exampel
The checker is possible and easy to create but requirer a small rewrite. But ask the reviewer first if it is ok so no unessecey work is done
Please post a reply when you get a response even if it is a not allowed so the thread can then be archiver

14. Positive Challenge Criteria Not Acceptable

Not finding caches: design that limits or punishes any element of finding caches. Examples: Challenges that require ratios in finds; such as 10% of finds must be Attended logs, challenges that require finding only some particular type for over time, as 100 consecutive Mystery finds.
Re: GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 23, 2016 05:15PM
Actually I'm gonna post a response now because I don't think I was clear on what this challenge is.
To qualify you need to have a MINIMUM of a 2.0 D & T. I wouldn't be punishing anyone.
In all honesty this is quite a challenge. I've been working on getting mine up to a 2.0 for a month now. Only going for 2.0/2.0 and up caches.
A friend of mine that has a 2.0/1.94 we figured would need over 1400 2.0 terrain caches to get his rating up to a 2.0.
Re: GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 24, 2016 03:17AM
As it turns out you guys were right. He will not allow it as he describes below.


A personal side note (as a player, and not wearing my reviewer hat), my player account has 6200+ finds. Average D: 1.61 Average T: 1.78. I don't have time to punch the numbers, but to get BOTH above 2.0 would require that I never find anything below 2.0 / 2.0 for quite a long time into the future, and over hundreds of finds or more. THAT, is the basis for the statement above from the guidelines. "design that limits or punishes any element of finding caches."

Hope that helps,

Don / Christopher Pike
volunteer reviewer

This explaination makes sense to me I guess.

as a side note, I found an old archived cache of this exact description (GC2TQM5) and was reading through the logs. The people that worked towards acheiving this goal seemed to really find it a rewarding experience and it is a shame that caches like this are no longer allowed. In my opinion, if you don't want to acheive the goal don't try to obtain it. But others like myself enjoy a challenge sometimes. What good is a challenge if there isn't anything challenging about it?
Re: GC6KY4K 2.0 D & T Average at least 500 finds
June 26, 2016 02:16AM
Another two points:

1. It could conflict with other challenges (such as maintaining a streak, where you're probably going to want low D/T caches to find on days when you don't have much time) and possibly become close to impossible to achieve after meeting the other challenge

2. Someone who has qualified may no longer qualify by the time the CO goes to check because they found another cache or two in the meantime. They much prefer that once you qualify for a challenge you remain qualified.

Anyway, I'm filing this thread away now that the confirmation that it's not allowed has been given.
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