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[Resolved] GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 18, 2019 08:42AM

Since nearly every spelling challenge is now no longer publishable because most focus(ed) on cache names or trackables, I wonder if you can still have a spelling challenge using the counties in which you previuosly found at least one cache... It sounds like something GS wouldn't want after the challenge break but the guidelines don't forbid it explicitly. I have not yet asked a reviewer, I first wanted to know, if a checker can be programmed for such a challenge.

I had something in mind like spelling your own geocaching name with german county names (meaning the first letter of those) ignoring nonalphabetical letters and Q,X&Y...

So does anyone know if there are precedences for this or does anyone think, that this is not publishable right away according to the guidelines? And is such a challenge checker programmable?
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 18, 2019 09:26AM
I place this request on "new script required" because if I am not mistaken there is no script that can handle the combination profile_name and counties.
We only have an alphabeth checker counties.
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 18, 2019 09:41AM
Okay, thank you!

Out if curiosity: If the requierment were to be able to spell let's say "GEOGACHING" with county names - that would be possible by tweaking the old skript?
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 18, 2019 10:08AM
That would also not work only the alphbeth string works at the moment
see https://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_details.aspx?guid=6cf49b7c-9497-4262-93fc-4fdce098e71d
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 27, 2019 07:10AM
Is there anyone willing to script the script?
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 27, 2019 09:15PM
I might find some time to do it tomorrow.
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 28, 2019 08:02PM
Here's a checker:


Currently it checks for spelling of the user name by first letters of German counties. It excludes Q, X, Y (those don't exist in Germany) and of course non-letters. For now I've made it so that no county can be used twice.

I don't know whether including the user name would be publishable, but I can also quickly change it so you'd have to spell a word if that's required (or if you prefer that anyway). Also I can allow users to include the same county multiple times (but still only once per cache found). I believe this may even be necessary for some users. For example there are only two counties starting with I and J afaik (Ilm-Kreis and Ingolstadt / Jena and Jerichower Land), and only three for Z.
Alternatively also allowing non-German counties would be no problem.

Btw it seems you don't qualify yet as you're missing a J. I can recommend a great cache in Jena tho ;)

Let us know which way you prefer and maybe also ask your local reviewer which version would be publishable.
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 30, 2019 05:55AM
Thank you so much! This checker is awesome! I loke the output as well - you can directly tell what counties are still missing. Great!

I will ask my local reviewer and see, if one of your mentioned changes will have to be applied. I will Report as soon as I know more!
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 30, 2019 11:49AM
Wow, that was a fast thumbs up by my reviewer! He is in on the idea! :-)

I think it would be great if counties could be included several times no matter how many caches were found there. I know of many usernames with multiple letters (maybe a German "problem"). If one cacher already took an effort to find a cache in a remote County (e.g. to collect this county in his stats), it would be frustrating, if he was "forced" to go there again for this challenge...
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
October 30, 2019 03:41PM
Nice to hear!

As you wish, I tweaked the script a little and now it should always only pick one cache per distinct letter.

edit: I just noticed T is missing for you as well. I think I assumed it was only J missing at first, because I added the restriction to German counties a little later and you have a Dutch T-county.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2019 03:47PM by PattuX. (view changes)
Re: GC869VY spelling counties challenge possible?
November 13, 2019 04:24PM
One minor thing came up after the challenge went live: When a user with an Umlaut (e.g. Fuchsläufer) users the checker, there is an error. Could you edit the checker so that all letters like å, ø, ţ and whatnot are excluded?
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