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Re: Technically Possible?

[Resolved] Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 07:40AM
Dear all,

As I did not notice that new challenges had been off the grid for a while, I was preparing myself for an own one. Since the new requirement that a checker is needed, I am in doubt whether it is feasible. The idea is for 9x9 Matrix challenge: Task would be to fill the whole 81 Matrix with 9 different cache types, where each cache type should be included 9 times and each D/T combination only once. The 9 types I have in mind are:
Earth Caches
Event caches, including all types, e.g. regular events, CITOs, Megas or Gigas
Wherigo caches
And as 9th category own caches.

Please advice whether you deem this to be possible.

As virtual are not that frequent in Europe, I was thinking about caches with at least 10 favourite points, no matter which cache type

Thanks in Advance! Carnatic
Re: Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 08:14AM
I don't think you can include "And as 9th category own caches."

New guidlines: 10. Source of Criteria
Not Acceptable: Requiring cachers to own a cache.

You could substitute the any type with 10 FPs, but that would make it harder to write the checker. Not impossible.
Re: Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 11:06AM
it is technically possible but might be to slow and the owend has to be excluded.
But i suspect a new script is needed.
I might be slow but i suspect it will work

IF all categories are types the checker has to check all possibilities for all types on all squares. That is not that many to checker and straight forward code.
But it might be slow i created a tool to show nr of DT by type. http://project-gc.com/Challenges//21224

And the challenge requirement will be confusing. Types will exist on the DT matrix more the 9 times when they are used as the type or >10 fp. Can a cache be used as a >10 FP and a as the type

An ide for a group instead of owned caches could be Large caches they are not that comment

Strange cache types are always fun so please include them in the categories
all types and sizes are at: http://project-gc.com/forum/read?7,27

A limitation of the checker will be that it has a hard time to show a best failed value that can be used to meet the requirements.

I hoped you have showd that you meet the requirements as it is neede for publication
Re: Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 12:33PM
Thanks for the very quick response. With the own caches as 9th category I would have been able to show that I achieved it. For the >10FP I need to check, the same for the proposal on Larges. It is anyhow great news, that you will be able to programm this code. I'll check soonest the alternatives for the "own" category. Is there skript, which would provide the >10 FP as an output? This would be quite handy...
Re: Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 04:10PM
Hi Target.,

I checked the >10 FP and this would work for me to complete the Challenge. I have drafted a listing to get a GC code:


Do I have to open a new thread or is this enough to ask for programming the checker?

Thanks in advance and have a great day!

Re: Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 04:34PM
This thread is ok but what shall replace owned caches when it is not allowed?

Can you post yor example matrix. It would be nice to have to help med debug if neede
Re: Technically Possible?
June 05, 2016 05:48PM
Dear Target.,

please replace own caches with found caches having more than 10 Favourite Points. Each cache should only be used once, which is automatically the case, because of the unique D/T combinations. It would be nice if the checker would list the caches, which were considered for the qualification. What do you mean with posting my example matrix? Currently I have that as an Excel file, but not with the qualifying caches. Instead it just lists the cache types and bears crosses where I found a cache with a certain D/T combination. Listing the actual caches would take some time.

Thanks again for the swift response!!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/06/2016 11:19AM by Carnatic. (view changes)
Re: Technically Possible?
June 09, 2016 07:27AM
This is how my Matrix looks like:
Re: Technically Possible?
June 10, 2016 02:17PM
Here is now the full list of Caches:

D	T		
1	1	GC9D91	Out of the Swamp
1	1,5	GCC5AB	Ultimo Adios (Manila)
1	2	GCJG9J	Cheops V
1	2,5	GC53HG9	Ab in den Süden
1	3	GC2F96	Parnassiavallei
1	4	GC2AB2Y	Le tunnel du téléphérique
1	4,5	GC4RCDR	Lost Signal
1	5	GC52F9K	48 - Cachen auf dem 50. Breitengrad
1,5	1	GC4ZHKN	Maker Madness in Wachenheim
1,5	1,5	GC4Q754	Slotti's Book-Box-Zelle
1,5	2	GC25E1	So We Will Remember Them
1,5	2,5	GC34GXD	Wo einst der Teufel saß
1,5	3	GC22YE5	Loreleyfelsen - Loreley Rock
1,5	3,5	GC5CRJZ	Sandsteinschichtungen in alle Richtungen
1,5	4	GC600AY	De la Madrague Aux Lecques.
1,5	4,5	GC51W0Y	Der Pfälzische Königsweg XI
1,5	5	GC4712H	XWT (Xtrem Water Tower) - Oserez-vous ?
2	1	GC58ZQ4	Über die Mittagspause Eis schlecken
2	1,5	GC645PZ	Julfestvorfreude
2	2	GC7BFF	The Snail
2	2,5	GC4622	Chris's King Of The World View
2	3	GC4HVCM	STDM #14 Comme une lettre à la poste
2	3,5	GC51AY6	Der Affe und das Grab des Pharao [LP]
2	4	GCHNBR	Felsentour
2	4,5	GC2FDV8	Tarzan
2	5	GC2RJYD	Letterbox T5
2,5	1	GC5K5YZ	Aix: les sources chaudes
2,5	1,5	GCM7R6	Northside Pub Crawl
2,5	2	GC46HCZ	Flucht ins Wäldchen (Wherigo)
2,5	2,5	GC3A2QB	Lauf
2,5	3	GC2VYRF	Zehn Morgen Weiher
2,5	3,5	GC30VTK	Der Achatweg von Freisen / The Way of Agate
2,5	4	GC6E4DN	Boule du diable - Bloc erratique
2,5	4,5	GC5X1GH	Coco's Treasure
2,5	5	GC2DAN0	Numerobis in Kirschgartshausen
3	1	GCCB9B	Des Kaiser´s Handy#1-Station 50 / Köln-Flittard
3	1,5	GC2QQMT	Stadt-Land-Frucht (Rastplatz-Multi)
3	2	GC4RXB4	Happy Birthday: 10. Geburtstag des Earth-Caches!
3	2,5	GC26EAJ	Meander at the Upper Rhine Graben
3	3	GC30DT5	Eselsmühlen
3	3,5	GC643W6	1. Weinfest auf dem Eckkopf
3	4	GC5RWJV	You have reached the final destination
3	4,5	GC4KV00	De Capelan au Sous-Marin 4 : en haut du Sous-Marin
3	5	GC3MX8B	#5 Erlichsee Waterfun Welsriff
3,5	1	GC1QMEE	Porta Nigra in Trier
3,5	1,5	GC4341C	.: schmalstes haus innsbruck´s :.
3,5	2	GC661G5	Die toten Löwen im Stadtpark
3,5	2,5	GC32H6B	Schwefelquelle - Langenbrückener Senke
3,5	3	GC67Z1G	Mannheims - Reverse - Wherigo
3,5	3,5	GC2QPXM	Der Herr der Ringe (Der Ring geht auf Reisen)
3,5	4	GC46H49	2. DAV - Ludwigshafen Orientierungscache
3,5	4,5	GC389CH	Challenge-Cache: 2 mal 2 (T-Level)
3,5	5	GC3MYQP	#1 Erlichsee-Waterfun Lift off!
4	1	GC283F5	Pagans
4	1,5	GC5X97Z	Des is a Wordspiel Teil III - Wordspielmillionär
4	2	GC5PMK8	X-beliebiger Leitplankencache...?
4	2,5	GC5KRX3	Assassin's Creed: Fraternity
4	3	GC3Q25H	FTF - 21 [Hexentanz]
4	3,5	GC2CYZ6	Mystery XXL #16 - Rainbow
4	4	GC2950C	LOST - Das Lager der Anderen
4	5	GC2Y3D4	Klettern
4,5	1	GC28FGZ	Subbotnik
4,5	1,5	GC3NG7W	Spell of Rheinland-Pfalz - Challenge
4,5	2	GC42784	Domino (Challenge)
4,5	2,5	GC197RQ	Panoramatower
4,5	3	GCW879	Knobeln II
4,5	3,5	GC29J16	Porto's Templar Secret
4,5	4	GC5026M	Sauer oder Basisch?
4,5	4,5	GC6F5T7	Eine Strandbad-Party - The big "50"
4,5	5	GC3MRRZ	Erlichsee Waterfun - Bonus
5	1	GC30MZ5	So schön bunt
5	1,5	GC62EV6	Pas Si Simple
5	2	GC6C1ZR	? verzweifelt ?
5	2,5	GC4JCFX	Welterbe - Challenge
5	3	GC3FFF8	Booom!
5	3,5	GC62Q2R	dw6 (Große Persönlichkeiten)
5	4	GC3HHTG	Challenge Cache: Landauer Tic-Tac-Toe
5	4,5	GC4XJG8	Next, please! Bonuslevel
5	5	GC48QAV	Der Wald schlägt zurück - CITO Special Edition

Re: Technically Possible?
June 08, 2016 06:46AM
This is how my Matrix looks now.

D	T	EC	WIG	Virtual	Event	Letter	Mystery	Tradi	Multi	>10 FP
1	1	X	X	X	X		X	X		X
1	1,5	X		X			X	X	X	X
1	2			X			X	X		X
1	2,5						X	X		X
1	3			X			X	X		X
1	3,5	X				X	X			X
1	4						X	X		X
1	4,5						X	X		X
1	5						X	X		X
1,5	1	X	X	X	X		X	X	X	X
1,5	1,5	X		X	X	X	X	X	X	X
1,5	2	X		X		X	X	X	X	X
1,5	2,5	X					X	X	X	X
1,5	3	X					X	X	X	X
1,5	3,5	X					X	X		X
1,5	4		X				X	X		X
1,5	4,5				X			X		X
1,5	5							X		
2	1	X		X	X		X	X	X	X
2	1,5		X		X		X	X	X	X
2	2	X	X	X	X	X	X	X	X	X
2	2,5	X		X			X	X	X	X
2	3	X				X	X	X	X	X
2	3,5	X				X	X	X	X	X
2	4						X	X	X	X
2	4,5						X	X		X
2	5					X	X	X	X	X
2,5	1	X					X	X		X
2,5	1,5	X	X	X			X	X	X	X
2,5	2	X	X				X	X	X	X
2,5	2,5		X				X	X	X	X
2,5	3						X	X	X	X
2,5	3,5	X				X	X	X	X	X
2,5	4	X					X	X		X
2,5	4,5						X	X	X	X
2,5	5						X	X		X
3	1			X	X	X	X	X		X
3	1,5						X	X	X	X
3	2	X	X		X		X	X	X	X
3	2,5	X					X	X	X	X
3	3		X		X	X	X	X		X
3	3,5				X		X	X	X	X
3	4	X				X	X	X		X
3	4,5						X	X		X
3	5						X	X		X
3,5	1						X	X		X
3,5	1,5						X	X	X	X
3,5	2		X				X			X
3,5	2,5	X					X		X	X
3,5	3		X				X			X
3,5	3,5		X				X		X	X
3,5	4						X		X	X
3,5	4,5						X			X
3,5	5						X	X		X
4	1	X					X	X		X
4	1,5		X				X	X		X
4	2						X	X		X
4	2,5					X	X			X
4	3						X			X
4	3,5						X			X
4	4						X			X
4	4,5		X				X		X	X
4	5						X	X		X
4,5	1				X		X			X
4,5	1,5						X			X
4,5	2						X			X
4,5	2,5						X		X	X
4,5	3						X		X	X
4,5	3,5		X				X			X
4,5	4	X					X			X
4,5	4,5				X		X	X		X
4,5	5						X			X
5	1						X			X
5	1,5						X	X		X
5	2		X			X	X	X		X
5	2,5						X			X
5	3						X			X
5	3,5						X			X
5	4						X			X
5	4,5						X			X
5	5				X		X			X
		25	17	12	14	13	79	54	31	80
		9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9	9

Re: Technically Possible?
June 13, 2016 01:18PM
I will write this checker but it might take some days
Re: Technically Possible?
July 12, 2016 02:29PM
Hi Target,

I know it is a tricky one and it is holiday season, but I wanted to know whether you made any progress with the programming of this checker.

Thanks in advance,

Re: Technically Possible?
July 12, 2016 02:49PM
Will look at it next week when i am back home.
Re: Technically Possible?
August 08, 2016 04:21PM
Hi Target,

almost another month passed by. It seems to be pretty difficult to program? I hope you can get it done soon.

Thanks for the support,

Re: Technically Possible?
August 30, 2016 12:15PM
Dear programmers,

I understand that you are working on the programming on a voluntary basis and that this task is not easy, but this request is now pending for almost 3 months. Thanks a again for your efforts and a short feedback.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2016 02:19PM by Carnatic. (view changes)
Re: Technically Possible?
September 01, 2016 02:56PM
Have started to code it. Run in into som speed problem. The checkers times out.
Have to think about how to optimize.
Re: Technically Possible?
September 01, 2016 03:17PM
This is great news. (:D (tu) Thanks a lot for your feedback and effort!

Re: Technically Possible?
September 04, 2016 02:44AM
My "Spelling checker with day/date/month and type restrictions" might help for optimisation. I had to do some when I added the type restrictions. Basically it tries to fill the box with the least options first, using the option with the least boxes it can appear in first.
Re: Technically Possible?
September 06, 2016 12:35PM
Hi Target,

I don't know whether you can see all programmings, but this is also a quite complex checker, which might give you some ideas how to program my matrix challenge checker: http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC42784/14791

I know a cacher here, who had previously written a macro for the Domino Challenge. What he disclosed to me was, that he first eliminated all caches, which did not combine with another one in order to reduce the number of variables. The same could potentially be done here by filling the matrix per cache type and then overlaying them. But I am not a programmer...

I hope this somehow helps,

Re: Technically Possible?
September 26, 2016 11:33AM
Hi Target,

did you make any progress in the meantime? Is there anything I can do to help?


Re: Technically Possible?
October 21, 2016 09:30AM
Hi there, unfortunately I did not get any response on my posting a month ago. My request for programming this checker is now pending since June. Thanks for giving me an update.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/2016 09:32AM by Carnatic. (view changes)
Re: Technically Possible?
November 23, 2016 08:32AM
Hi there,

is there still someone working on this checker? Anything I can help with? Can a challenge be published without a checker in case it can not be programmed?

Happy Caching,

Re: Technically Possible?
November 23, 2016 09:53AM
Q : Can a challenge be published without a checker in case it can not be programmed?
A: : No see guidelines http://support.groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=206#challengeChecker and http://support.groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=780
Re: Technically Possible?
February 09, 2017 07:57AM
Hello out there. I am still waiting for a response on my postings and tried by email as well. All of this to no avail [:(]. Why are my requests ignored? Even my questions how to do it on my own were not answered. This is very frustrating and impolite. Carnatic
Re: Technically Possible?
February 10, 2017 09:58PM
We are a group of volunteers, so do not have any administrative control. Someone has marked this as a work in progress, they would be the only one who could really comment on how it is going.

As far as doing it yourself, PGC have decided not to allow new script writers at the moment.
Re: Technically Possible?
March 14, 2017 07:47AM
Hi Target.,

just wanted to let you know that I am still interested in your progress. If you are stuck or don't find the time to program this checker, I would like to ask you to consider to hand it to another volunteer.
Regarding programming I was thinking about how to solve the complexity: How about finding the possible combinations of three types first and doing this 3 times. Afterwards you could calculate the possible combinations out of these instead of considering all the caches in one shot. Eg:

Traditionals, Virtuals, Mysteries --> Pool A
ECs, Event, WIGs --> Pool B
Favos, Letterboxes, Multis --> Pool C

Combination of Pool A and Pool B --> Pool D

Combination of Pool C with Pool D --> Possible Challenge Solutions.

Looking forwrd to your reply,

Re: Technically Possible?
April 19, 2017 11:10AM
For the record, new challenge checker writers are once again accepted (send requests to Project-GC support).
Re: Technically Possible?
October 28, 2016 11:42AM
Hi there,

if I am not mistaken, Jakuje is supporting the programming of this checker. Can someone confirm this?

I still hope that this checker can be programmed...

Thanks in advance and happy caching,

Re: Technically Possible?
January 03, 2017 12:48PM
Happy New Year to everyone in the Project GC community. I was hoping for a Christmas present like this checker programmed... ;). Seriously, can anyone provide an update whether it is really work in progress as the entry in the forum suggests or whether you already gave up on it. Is there a reference to the programming language or a compiler I could make use of to get it done on my own? Thanks in advance and happy hunting, Carnatic
Re: Technically Possible?
April 18, 2017 10:37AM

Independent of target's effort, I have made an attempt at writing a checker for this. Like target my approach is getting bogged down in the computation. It can handle a small chunk of the fizzy tile but once it gets too big it just keeps spinning.

For those interested in how I am doing it, I am using a recursive search that prunes paths when a category has 9 (d,t) bins that are filled and when the current number used in any category plus the available bins for that category in unsearched bins is less than 9. There may be additional constrains that could be added. Those would help.

There are other tricks that can still be played to improve performance. They may get us there but I am not optimistic about them.

If someone programs this, they will definitely have earned some kudos.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 18, 2017 04:21PM

Do you have your list of people who qualify ready?

I would like to do some testing.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 18, 2017 05:34PM
Please kick the tires on


It turned out that the computationally painful cachers were the ones where someone had not qualified. A couple of heuristics up front to filter them out and the runtime became reasonable.

Any comments appreciated.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/18/2017 05:37PM by sloth96. (view changes)
Re: Technically Possible?
April 19, 2017 01:05AM
I like this kind of task for a challenge and am very interested in the checker, also for having a challenge like this in my region.

Now the checker ended with error, the first time it said no, but I think I would qualify.

FA = Cache with more than 100 favorite points,
EC = EarthCache
EV = Event Cache
LB = Letterbox Hybrid
MC = Multi-cache
MY = Mystery Cache
TR = Traditional Cache
VI = Virtual Cache
WH = Wherigo Cache

One variation, found without any program by looking at the matrix for each group and then starting to fill the grid with the Groups VI, LB, EC, EV and WH where I don't have many finds, then FA and filling the rest more or less randomly with MY, MC and TR.

Listed by D/T:
D/T | Group | Cache type | GC | Favorite points | Found it date
1/1 | EC1 | EarthCache | GC2E2Q8 | 30 | 2013-08-02
1/1.5 | VI1 | Virtual Cache | GCGHXD | 88 | 2016-07-18 |
1/2 | EC2 | EarthCache | GC2HVJY | 15 | 2016-04-24 |
1/2.5 | TR1 | Traditional Geocache | GC3KMZY | 63 | 2014-06-22 |
1/3 | VI2 | Virtual Cache | GCHX1W | 280 | 2014-11-01 |
1/3.5 | EV1 | Event Cache | GC3VPWN | 0 | 2012-09-22 |
1/4 | TR2 | Traditional Geocache | GC29Z1G | 50 | 2011-05-29 |
1/4.5 | TR3 | Traditional Geocache | GC26238 | 7 | 2011-06-23
1/5 | EV2 | Event Cache | GC5JNQB | 0 | 2015-08-16
1.5/1 | VI3 | Virtual Cache | GC3B8A | 238 | 2014-11-02 |
1.5/1.5 | EC3 | EarthCache | GC1VJDM 82 | 2012-06-10
1.5/2 | WH1 | Wherigo Cache | GC2JVJB | 521 | 2015-10-24 |
1.5/2.5 | EV3 | Event Cache | GC2NE3P | 0 | 2011-03-04 |
1.5/3 | VI4 | Virtual Cache | GC5E4B | 238 | 2014-11-01
1.5/3.5 | MC1 | Multi-cache | GC5FZ0D | 22 | 2015-03-29 |
1.5/4 | MC2 | Multi-cache | GC20XKG | 15 | 2013-06-22 |
1.5/4.5 | EV4 | Event Cache | GC3BCAG | 0 | 2012-02-24 |
1.5/5 | EV5 | Event Cache | GC3HYR3 | 0 | 2012-08-11
2/1 | VI5 | Virtual Cache | GC4E4B | 683 | 2014-11-04 |
2/1.5 | WH2 | Wherigo Cache | GC2HXVQ | 89 | 2015-10-22 |
2/2 | VI6 | Virtual Cache | GCDC2D | 18 | 2012-02-29
2/2.5 | EC4 | EarthCache | GC2F4CD | 12 | 2015-07-14
2/3 | LB1 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC17BHX | 29 | 2012-02-29 |
2/3.5 | EC5 | EarthCache | GC6P3T8 | 5 | 2016-10-15 |
2/4 | WH3 | Wherigo Cache | GC6BPMY | 44 | 2016-03-29
2/4.5 | TR4 | Traditional Geocache | GC2C13X | 53 | 2011-08-02
2/5 | TR5 | Traditional Geocache | GC3W976 | 11 | 2015-08-07
2.5/1 | VI7 | Virtual Cache | GCGV9G | 79 | 2014-11-01 |
2.5/1.5 | EC6 | EarthCache | GC320YZ | 217 | 2013-08-13 |
2.5/2 | LB2 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC2QE97 | 65 | 2011-10-06 |
2.5/2.5 | WH4 | Wherigo Cache | GC4V4GX | 21 | 2014-03-15 |
2.5/3 | MC3 | Multi-cache | GCNMEN | 76 | 2015-02-28
2.5/3.5 | WH5 | Wherigo Cache | GC382KQ | 71 | 2011-12-02 |
2.5/4 | MC4 | Multi-cache | GC4K7VZ | 34 | 2013-08-30
2.5/4.5 | TR6 | Traditional Geocache | GC4MTKZ | 47 | 2013-10-27 |
2.5/5 | TR7 | Traditional Geocache | GC310T2 | 38 | 2016-09-10 |
3/1 | LB3 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC4C936 | 324 | 2015-01-19 |
3/1.5 | EV6 | Event Cache | GC5TNEK | 0 | 2015-06-23 |
3/2 | LB4 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC6E2GA | 24 | 2016-05-06
3/2.5 | EC7 | EarthCache | GC13MB9 | 28 | 2015-10-17 |
3/3 | WH6 | Wherigo Cache | GC4A5JQ | 25 | 2013-04-25 |
3/3.5 | MC5 | Multi-cache | GC5BV48 | 35 | 2015-07-12
3/4 | FA1 | Multi-cache | GC25YQ5 | 171 | 2013-09-27
3/4.5 | LB5 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC40J0K | 168 | 2014-03-02 |
3/5 | LB6 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC4HDMN | 74 | 2014-09-08
3.5/1 | WH7 | Wherigo Cache | GC6WHT4 | 17 | 2016-12-12 |
3.5/1.5 | VI8 | Virtual Cache | GCGWG5 | 44 | 2011-10-02 |
3.5/2 | EV7 | Event Cache | GC2GTM2 | 0 | 2012-07-03 |
3.5/2.5 | LB7 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC3EFR0 | 42 | 2014-10-26 |
3.5/3 | EC8 | EarthCache | GC5Y9Y0 | 11 | 2016-07-19 |
3.5/3.5 | FA2 | Traditional Geocache | GC5GBV3 | 333 | 2016-06-02 |
3.5/4 | MY1 | Mystery Cache | GC24947 | 34 | 2011-04-18
3.5/4.5 | EV8 | Event Cache | GC4X9DP | 0 | 2014-02-21 |
3.5/5 | FA3 | Traditional Geocache | GC3GRWX | 106 | 2012-04-14
4/1 | VI9 | Virtual Cache | GCM2AT | 78 | 2014-11-01 |
4/1.5 | LB8 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC21TT0 | 11 | 2011-05-07
4/2 | MC6 | Multi-cache | GC4T6HN | 156 | 2013-11-23 |
4/2.5 | MY2 | Mystery Cache | GC376JJ | 11 | 2016-07-20 |
4/3 | MC7 | Multi-cache | GC4Q4X8 | 116 | 2015-11-20
4/3.5 | FA4 | Traditional Geocache | GC88D3 | 137 | 2016-10-29
4/4 | MY3 | Mystery Cache | GCKZN8 | 9 | 2013-07-06 |
4/4.5 | TR8 | Traditional Geocache | GC61F1X | 19 | 2016-04-19
4/5 | WH8 | Wherigo Cache | GC5K6KZ | 85 | 2015-02-25
4.5/1 | MC8 | Multi-cache | GC2V3QX | 7 | 2011-05-10 |
4.5/1.5 | FA5 | Mystery Cache | GC3P026 | 129 | 2015-03-13 |
4.5/2 | EV9 | Event Cache | GC2P6X0 | 0 | 2011-03-28 |
4.5/2.5 | MY4 | Mystery Cache | GC5PZ24 | 8 | 2016-11-26
4.5/3 | MY5 | Mystery Cache | GC2J29X | 44 | 2011-11-13
4.5/3.5 | FA6 | Mystery Cache | GC5QFDT | 123 | 2015-05-13
4.5/4 | FA7 | Mystery Cache | GC3GXY0 | 130 | 2012-10-28
4.5/4.5 | FA8 | Mystery Cache | GC4TWZB | 157 | 2013-12-02 |
4.5/5 | MY6 | Mystery Cache | GC50YDY | 17 | 2014-03-25
5/1 | MY7 | Mystery Cache | GC1CAN4 | 4 | 2010-11-22 |
5/1.5 | EC9 | EarthCache | GC2YJZF | 22 | 2014-09-21 |
5/2 | FA9 | Traditional Geocache | GC4J24P | 263 | 2013-10-27
5/2.5 | MY8 | Mystery Cache | GC1GQRJ | 10 | 2011-10-05 |
5/3 | MC8 | Multi-cache | GC642YW | 33 | 2016-09-25 |
5/3.5 | MY9 | Mystery Cache | GC4P6T1 | 37 | 2015-04-01 |
5/4 | WH9 | Wherigo Cache | GC56ME9 | 87 | 2014-10-27
5/4.5 | LB9 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC330DV | 46 | 2015-02-05
5/5 | TR9 | Traditional Geocache | GC1VBHY | 47 | 2011-07-09 |

Listed by groups:
Group | Favorite points | Cache type | D/T | Found it date
EC1 | 30 | EarthCache | GC2E2Q8 | 1/1 | 2013-08-02
EC2 | 15 | EarthCache | GC2HVJY | 1/2 | 2016-04-24
EC3 | 82 | EarthCache | GC1VJDM | 1.5/1.5 | 2012-06-10
EC4 | 12 | EarthCache | GC2F4CD | 2/2.5 | 2015-07-14
EC5 | 5 | EarthCache | GC6P3T8 | 2/3.5 | 2016-10-15
EC6 | 217 | EarthCache | GC320YZ | 2.5/1.5 | 2013-08-13
EC7 | 28 | EarthCache | GC13MB9 | 3/2.5 | 2015-10-17
EC8 | 11 | EarthCache | GC5Y9Y0 | 3.5/3 | 2016-07-19
EC9 | 22 | EarthCache | GC2YJZF | 5/1.5 | 2014-09-21
EV1 | 0 | Event Cache | GC3VPWN | 1/3.5 | 2012-09-22
EV2 | 0 | Event Cache | GC5JNQB | 1/5 | 2015-08-16
EV3 | 0 | Event Cache | GC2NE3P | 1.5/2.5 | 2011-03-04
EV4 | 0 | Event Cache | GC3BCAG | 1.5/4.5 | 2012-02-24
EV5 | 0 | Event Cache | GC3HYR3 | 1.5/5 | 2012-08-11
EV6 | 0 | Event Cache | GC5TNEK | 3/1.5 | 2015-06-23
EV7 | 0 | Event Cache | GC2GTM2 | 3.5/2 | 2012-07-03
EV8 | 0 | Event Cache | GC4X9DP | 3.5/4.5 | 2014-02-21
EV9 | 0 | Event Cache | GC2P6X0 | 4.5/2 | 2011-03-28
FA1 | 171 | Multi-cache | GC25YQ5 | 3/4 | 2013-09-27
FA2 | 333 | Traditional Geocache | GC5GBV3 | 3.5/3.5 | 2016-06-02
FA3 | 106 | Traditional Geocache | GC3GRWX | 3.5/5 | 2012-04-14
FA4 | 137 | Traditional Geocache | GC88D3 | 4/3.5 | 2016-10-29
FA5 | 129 | Mystery Cache | GC3P026 | 4.5/1.5 | 2015-03-13
FA6 | 123 | Mystery Cache | GC5QFDT | 4.5/3.5 | 2015-05-13
FA7 | 130 | Mystery Cache | GC3GXY0 | 4.5/4 | 2012-10-28
FA8 | 157 | Mystery Cache | GC4TWZB | 4.5/4.5 | 2013-12-02
FA9 | 263 | Traditional Geocache | GC4J24P | 5/2 | 2013-10-27
LB1 | 29 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC17BHX | 2/3 | 2012-02-29
LB2 | 65 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC2QE97 | 2.5/2 | 2011-10-06
LB3 | 324 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC4C936 | 3/1 | 2015-01-19
LB4 | 24 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC6E2GA | 3/2 | 2016-05-06
LB5 | 168 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC40J0K | 3/4.5 | 2014-03-02
LB6 | 74 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC4HDMN | 3/5 | 2014-09-08
LB7 | 42 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC3EFR0 | 3.5/2.5 | 2014-10-26
LB8 | 11 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC21TT0 | 4/1.5 | 2011-05-07
LB9 | 46 | Letterbox Hybrid | GC330DV | 5/4.5 | 2015-02-05
MC1 | 22 | Multi-cache | GC5FZ0D | 1.5/3.5 | 2015-03-29
MC2 | 15 | Multi-cache | GC20XKG | 1.5/4 | 2013-06-22
MC3 | 76 | Multi-cache | GCNMEN | 2.5/3 | 2015-02-28
MC4 | 34 | Multi-cache | GC4K7VZ | 2.5/4 | 2013-08-30
MC5 | 35 | Multi-cache | GC5BV48 | 3/3.5 | 2015-07-12
MC6 | 156 | Multi-cache | GC4T6HN | 4/2 | 2013-11-23
MC7 | 116 | Multi-cache | GC4Q4X8 | 4/3 | 2015-11-20
MC8 | 7 | Multi-cache | GC2V3QX | 4.5/1 | 2011-05-10
MC8 | 33 | Multi-cache | GC642YW | 5/3 | 2016-09-25
MY1 | 34 | Mystery Cache | GC24947 | 3.5/4 | 2011-04-18
MY2 | 11 | Mystery Cache | GC376JJ | 4/2.5 | 2016-07-20
MY3 | 9 | Mystery Cache | GCKZN8 | 4/4 | 2013-07-06
MY4 | 8 | Mystery Cache | GC5PZ24 | 4.5/2.5 | 2016-11-26
MY5 | 44 | Mystery Cache | GC2J29X | 4.5/3 | 2011-11-13
MY6 | 17 | Mystery Cache | GC50YDY | 4.5/5 | 2014-03-25
MY7 | 4 | Mystery Cache | GC1CAN4 | 5/1 | 2010-11-22
MY8 | 10 | Mystery Cache | GC1GQRJ | 5/2.5 | 2011-10-05
MY9 | 37 | Mystery Cache | GC4P6T1 | 5/3.5 | 2015-04-01
TR1 | 63 | Traditional Geocache | GC3KMZY | 1/2.5 | 2014-06-22
TR2 | 50 | Traditional Geocache | GC29Z1G | 1/4 | 2011-05-29
TR3 | 7 | Traditional Geocache | GC26238 | 1/4.5 | 2011-06-23
TR4 | 53 | Traditional Geocache | GC2C13X | 2/4.5 | 2011-08-02
TR5 | 11 | Traditional Geocache | GC3W976 | 2/5 | 2015-08-07
TR6 | 47 | Traditional Geocache | GC4MTKZ | 2.5/4.5 | 2013-10-27
TR7 | 38 | Traditional Geocache | GC310T2 | 2.5/5 | 2016-09-10
TR8 | 19 | Traditional Geocache | GC61F1X | 4/4.5 | 2016-04-19
TR9 | 47 | Traditional Geocache | GC1VBHY | 5/5 | 2011-07-09
VI1 | 88 | Virtual Cache | GCGHXD | 1/1.5 | 2016-07-18
VI2 | 280 | Virtual Cache | GCHX1W | 1/3 | 2014-11-01
VI3 | 238 | Virtual Cache | GC3B8A | 1.5/1 | 2014-11-02
VI4 | 238 | Virtual Cache | GC5E4B | 1.5/3 | 2014-11-01
VI5 | 683 | Virtual Cache | GC4E4B | 2/1 | 2014-11-04
VI6 | 18 | Virtual Cache | GCDC2D | 2/2 | 2012-02-29
VI7 | 79 | Virtual Cache | GCGV9G | 2.5/1 | 2014-11-01
VI8 | 44 | Virtual Cache | GCGWG5 | 3.5/1.5 | 2011-10-02
VI9 | 78 | Virtual Cache | GCM2AT | 4/1 | 2014-11-01
WH1 | 521 | Wherigo Cache | GC2JVJB | 1.5/2 | 2015-10-24
WH2 | 89 | Wherigo Cache | GC2HXVQ | 2/1.5 | 2015-10-22
WH3 | 44 | Wherigo Cache | GC6BPMY | 2/4 | 2016-03-29
WH4 | 21 | Wherigo Cache | GC4V4GX | 2.5/2.5 | 2014-03-15
WH5 | 71 | Wherigo Cache | GC382KQ | 2.5/3.5 | 2011-12-02
WH6 | 25 | Wherigo Cache | GC4A5JQ | 3/3 | 2013-04-25
WH7 | 17 | Wherigo Cache | GC6WHT4 | 3.5/1 | 2016-12-12
WH8 | 85 | Wherigo Cache | GC5K6KZ | 4/5 | 2015-02-25
WH9 | 87 | Wherigo Cache | GC56ME9 | 5/4 | 2014-10-27

Re: Technically Possible?
April 19, 2017 09:28AM
Actually the behavior of the script is more interesting than simply denying that you completed the challenge. It is more along the lines of agreeing you completed it and then it does not find your particular matrix in the allowed amount of time.

The test for whether you qualify or not is actually closely related to your coloring approach. If the category with the least number of dt bins filled has more than 9, it then checks that the two categories each with the smallest number of bins has atleast 18 dt unique DT bins going all the way up to the 9 full categories. This test runs very quickly and reliably produces a result.

The computation of the grid is what takes the horsepower and can vary greatly in computational time. However the grid is what gives folks some comfort and confidence that the result is correct. The test is really an existence proof while finding an example gives more folks the greater acceptance.

There is something about your pattern of finds that causing the search to bog down. Most of the folks I tested had times less than 2 seconds, including carnatic, alamogul, and a bunch of others. There also was about a couple in the 5 to 6 second range.

The script can be modified to devote a fixed amount of computation to finding the grid and but deciding success on the existence condition. That way it would return that you had completed the challenge but it would be lacking the impressive looking list.

After that, time can be devoted to improving the search time for such a grid. However the checker would be up and working.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 19, 2017 11:30AM

"If the category with the least number of dt bins filled has more than 9, it then checks that the two categories each with the smallest number of bins has atleast 18 dt unique DT bins going all the way up to the 9 full categories. This test runs very quickly and reliably produces a result. "

mean this?

In this example the first four categories fill 9,14, 15, 20 'bins' each, resulting in 9, 19, 27, 47 filled 'bins' when combined.

Seems OK for step 1 - 4 on first glance for this example. With this type of check you can sort out who for sure doesn't meet the criteria and therefore doesn't need further investigation.

But it is no proof someone really meets the criteria.

Or does it mean testing whether there are 9 unique 'bins' left for each category after every step?

The same example as in the first picture, but tested for 9 unique 'bins' remaining for each category after every step. This check fails already at step 3 despite having colored 27 'bins' (3x9), which could be enough if allowing 9 'bins' for each category.

Re: Technically Possible?
April 19, 2017 01:56PM
This fantastic News!! Thanks for the hard work.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 20, 2017 10:19AM

Nice example on how my assertion is not correct. And nice graphics.

The check is necessary but not sufficient. It sounds like time to get back to the drawing board and add a better check. Clearly a check of all of them pairwise needs to be added.

The question is does the code need to go through all subsets of all sizes. Although, that should be rather quick, there are only 512 or them.

I am still trying to refactor the code to be able to generate the table faster. One thing that is missing in most programming languages is a call that enumerates subsets of a given size from a larger set. That would make this much easier. (Never mind. Combinatorial algorithms is now online.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 20, 2017 10:31AM
As a heads up, I will be disabling the script to fix the issue that AnnaMoritz highlighted.

Thanks very much for the feedback.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 20, 2017 11:08AM
The cacher viennacache also qualifies but the checker can't find a grid.

It is easy for a human to find a quick solution for this cacher (also for Favo>100) as group 1-3 are very small and 4 and 5 only leave one surplus 'bin' if you start filling with the smallest groups.

Maybe that helps as another example to find a relatively 'cheap' (regarding consumed time) way.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 20, 2017 01:40PM
Thanks for the other test case.

Refactoring the code to search by category and not by dt grid point is on the list. That is basically what Anna Moritz is doing.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 20, 2017 07:38PM
I am amzazed about your expert exchange. Since I am currently in vacation I can not be oft any help. I am very happy about the Progress.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 23, 2017 03:37PM

Please kick the tires on http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6K5EQ/26080

It processes things on the basis of category rather than d/t bin. This is the refactoring I was talking about. The code still needs some cleaning to make it more readable. But it appears to work

As for AnnaMoritz's request, I need to make the interface a bit more general to support your favorite point threshhold of 100 favorite points.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 23, 2017 04:38PM
Hi sloth,

Nice news!
Re: Technically Possible?
April 23, 2017 07:16PM
Looks fine.

Is it possible to make the event clause more general, e.g. allowing also to choose only "Event Cache" for events instead of 'events={"Cache In Trash Out Event","Event Cache", "Mega-Event Cache","Giga-Event Cache"}'?
Re: Technically Possible?
April 23, 2017 09:17PM

Can you please file a new request so this one can be about Carnatic's request? Also there will need to be a GC code in that request do build the checker. Everything you are asking for is reasonable and feasible.
Thanks for your help in generating test cases.


Unless you have more comments, good luck with the reviewers. Please post to let us know if you consider this done.

Re: Technically Possible?
April 23, 2017 09:24PM
I just landed from my way back from vacation. I'll check it asap. Thanks for your efforts!
Re: Technically Possible?
April 23, 2017 09:32PM
take as much time as you like. You have been very patient.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 07:59AM
Hi Sloth96,

thanks again for taking and completing this task! I have two questions regarding comments in the source code of the checker. What is the background of this output: "You completed the challenge but the checker could not find a grid that qualified. However it did prove there exists one."?

"More feedback can be given by producing html into the html variable
Can be of good use to show the user his/her progress
Doesn't actually have to be html"

It would actually be very nice, if the checker could direct cachers to missing combinations.

If it is not too much of an effort, I would appreciate a graphical output like in this checker: http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6Q1X6/23144

This would then be very much along the lines of the color-coded illustration of AnnaMoritz. In case you don't have the time or interest to program this, you can consider the task to be completed and close the thread.

I am really happy that after such a long time the programming was completed. (:D:D:)-D
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 10:18AM
Carnatic Wrote:
> Hi Sloth96,
> thanks again for taking and completing this task!
> I have two questions regarding comments in the
> source code of the checker. What is the background
> of this output: "You completed the challenge but
> the checker could not find a grid that qualified.
> However it did prove there exists one."?

The background there is for users who the checker did not find something if it passed the heuristics it still gave them the win. However AnnaMoritz proved my assertion false so that should go away.

If you have a user triggering this, let me know that would be a great debug case.

> "More feedback can be given by producing html into
> the html variable
> Can be of good use to show the user his/her
> progress
> Doesn't actually have to be html"
> It would actually be very nice, if the checker
> could direct cachers to missing combinations.
This is not exactly a linear progress kind of challenge where finding one more always moves you closer to your goal. It may move you into another dead end.

What the code does do (sometimes) is identify groupings where more D/T squares would help. Currently the code does not list all such places, once it finds one it terminates in order to keep the code fast. However if we know the user doesn't complete the challege this could be expanded to create all of them.

The advice would look like

You need more unique D/T squares in the groups virtuals, whereigos, and events
You need more unique D/T squares in the groups multis

The first means that those three types have too much overlap and need more unique D/t squares in any of the types. The second being that you simply need more multi d/t squares

> If it is not too much of an effort, I would
> appreciate a graphical output like in this
> checker:
> http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6Q1X6/23144
> This would then be very much along the lines of
> the color-coded illustration of AnnaMoritz. In
> case you don't have the time or interest to
> program this, you can consider the task to be
> completed and close the thread.
As you may have seen, where to grab the graphics is an open question in the forums. The big question is what to do for the favorite cache. I have no idea where you grabbed the blue ribbon from.

> I am really happy that after such a long time the
> programming was completed. (:D:D:)-D
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 10:49AM
Hi Sloth96, just replace the ribbon with the blue heart. The ribbon had been the icon for the favourite points before.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 11:27AM
That's not all the cache types. At least webcam, locationless, lost and found, block party, lost and found celebration, GPS Maze, HQ and APE are missing. And lab caches, if you want to cound them.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 11:53AM
...I know that these are not all, but these are all those required for my challenge. ;)
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 06:00PM
Carnatic Wrote:
> ...I know that these are not all, but these are
> all those required for my challenge. ;)

Reasonable response.

I will try to have that in the markup log as well. Unless we can't embed images any more.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 01:37PM
Aren't most of them (also what got moved to waymarking) shown here: https://www.geocaching.com/about/cache_types.aspx

the ones that might stand for the FAVO type of this challenge if these types are allowed by owner/script for the FAVO group

webcam https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/11.gif
HQ https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/HQ_32.gif
APE https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/ape_32.gif

Not 100% sure about this icon
GPS Adventures Maze Exhibit https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/1304.gif

Event caches can't have favorite points, so they might only be part of the events group if the owner wants so.

Not 100% sure about these icons
block party https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/4738.gif
lost and found celebration http://www.geocaching.com/images/wpttypes/3774.gif
lost and found 10 Years! Event Cache http://www.geocaching.com/images/wpttypes/3653.gif

For challenges that deal with these types that stand somewhat outside:

locationless (are moved to waymarking) Locationless (Reverse) Cache https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/12.gif
lab cache https://www.geocaching.com/images/WptTypes/labs.png
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 08:04AM
PS: Color-coding would not even be needed, as the icons would be sufficient...
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 07:10PM
In reviewing the output, assuming that the below is still the criteria for qualifying - ie 9 caches from each of the following categories, it appears to be using caches with 10 or more favorite points, not 100 or more. It's potential I missed the change from 100 to 10 though as well. My output for caches labeled "fave" only showed caches with 10 or more.

FA = Cache with more than 100 favorite points
EC = EarthCache
EV = Event Cache
LB = Letterbox Hybrid
MC = Multi-cache
MY = Mystery Cache
TR = Traditional Cache
VI = Virtual Cache
WH = Wherigo Cache

My output:
[kiecker](https://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=kiecker) has used [Project-GC](http://project-gc.com/Challenges/GC6K5EQ/26080 "Project-GC Challenge Checker") to see if he/she qualified for this challenge and he/she did.

+1.0 1.0 GC427CG The Era Of Bob (X-Man's M&G #8) Event 2013-02-01
+1.0 1.5 GC44TVQ St. Hart’s Meet-&-Greet #45 Event 2013-02-16
+1.0 2.0 GC5V11Q May TAG Meeting - Ice Cream Social! Event 2015-05-16
+1.0 2.5 GC1AF7 Calibrate Virtual Cache 2013-03-24
+1.0 3.0 GCDB75 "Discover Oklahoma" - Viking Runes Virtual Cache 2014-10-17
+1.0 3.5 GC1AFB 7 Oaks Virtual Cache 2013-04-20
+1.0 4.0 GC7638 Third Highest Point in Sooner State. Virtual Cache 2013-03-24
+1.0 4.5 GC3MB1N In honor of 3 of our favorites... Traditional Cache 2013-03-29
+1.0 5.0 GC9C76 The Hill Climb--30% Grade Virtual Cache 2013-02-01
+1.5 1.0 GC5Q607 TAG's 13th Annual CITO - Hunter Park Event 2015-04-18
+1.5 1.5 GC4GZDT August COG Gathering Event 2013-08-10
+1.5 2.0 GC534F0 CIGA CITO for GWXII - ECO PARK Event 2014-05-24
+1.5 2.5 GC58V5V Dead Letter Office Letterbox Hybrid 2014-09-03
+1.5 3.0 GC55D3C Alabaster Caverns Earthcache Earthcache 2015-08-07
+1.5 3.5 GC443BB Dan Osman Signal Traditional Cache 2013-02-22
+1.5 4.0 GCQJT4 WMWR Natural Bridge - Earthcache Earthcache 2013-06-02
+1.5 4.5 GC2CA9H Even Taller Cache Traditional Cache 2013-01-08
+1.5 5.0 GCPAE8 Grand Falls Chert Bed Earthcache Earthcache 2013-12-22
+2.0 1.0 GC8B41 The Ka - tee Cockrum Cemetery Virtual Cache 2013-10-12
+2.0 1.5 GC2GYX2 Farmer Jimmy goes to the zoo Wherigo Cache 2013-09-14
+2.0 2.0 GC54TWX Historic Main Street St. Tour Wherigo Cache 2014-05-24
+2.0 2.5 GC4W0D5 The Treasure of the Wichitas (Reloaded) Letterbox Hybrid 2014-04-26
+2.0 3.0 GCQYXW Geocacheotopia-Wichita, KS Wherigo Cache 2015-05-19
+2.0 3.5 GC1V34B INDIAN MERIDIAN / PARKER-CEMETERY Multi-cache 2013-03-25
+2.0 4.0 GC528HV The Narrows Earthcache 2014-04-26
+2.0 4.5 GC66ADQ Halloween Letterbox Letterbox Hybrid 2016-02-29
+2.0 5.0 GC17RFA Treeocache 3: In the Live Oak Traditional Cache 2013-02-20
+2.5 1.0 GC59T4M Gotta Eat - Let's Meet! Event 2014-08-19
+2.5 1.5 GC5KXBF Pi R Squared. No! Pies are Round, Cakes R Square. Event 2015-03-14
+2.5 2.0 GC1GJ7E Garden of the Gods - Sentinel Rock Earthcache 2013-11-06
+2.5 2.5 GC1MHH3 Quest for Camelot? Wherigo Cache 2015-02-20
+2.5 3.0 GC366PD Keystone Counterfeit Caper Wherigo Cache 2014-06-21
+2.5 3.5 GC6JD96 Elm Fork Trinity River Paddling Adventure #1 Letterbox Hybrid 2016-07-29
+2.5 4.0 GC451WC Wilderness Survival Multi-cache 2013-05-11
+2.5 4.5 GC374MX 'Wood'n't U Just ... Traditional Cache 2013-03-22
+2.5 5.0 GC5APPB Duck Island: Jayhawk in a Bottle Letterbox Hybrid 2015-02-21
+3.0 1.0 GC57BR8 Denver International Airport Earthcache Earthcache 2015-02-26
+3.0 1.5 GCG6T1 Termite Palace Letterbox Hybrid 2014-06-20
+3.0 2.0 GC3VBG6 HOORAY FOR YOU Letterbox Hybrid 2013-01-02
+3.0 2.5 GC67XFK Multifarious Cache Series #14 Letterbox Hybrid 2015-12-08
+3.0 3.0 GC48B0 Surf Refuge Virtual Cache 2013-02-22
+3.0 3.5 GC1A4DV TT&BB's FINAL Griffith Park Cache PUZZLE Fave 2013-02-01
+3.0 4.0 GC1MV65 Multi-Maddness #1 Multi-cache 2013-09-14
+3.0 4.5 GC33NQR Watch that next step Fave 2013-03-02
+3.0 5.0 GC6FYCQ The Pirate Queen of Thunderbird Lake Letterbox Hybrid 2016-06-27
+3.5 1.0 GC15A1T Whites Point Recumbent Fold Earthcache 2013-02-03
+3.5 1.5 GC2E027 3:10 to YUMA - K.C. WHERIGO Wherigo Cache 2014-11-28
+3.5 2.0 GC549J0 Where'd whoooo go? Wherigo Cache 2014-08-16
+3.5 2.5 GC5ZB7V Fairview Cemetery - Notorious History Tour??? Wherigo Cache 2016-02-29
+3.5 3.0 GC2KNDR Sea to Sea/Border to Border Challenge Unknown Cache 2014-01-05
+3.5 3.5 GC1C195 Aplites, Pegmatites, and Dikes…. Oh My!! Earthcache 2013-02-24
+3.5 4.0 GC1999K Centennial Trail Multi Multi-cache 2014-02-09
+3.5 4.5 GC223GH Davey Jones Locker Fave 2012-12-14
+3.5 5.0 GC269KZ George of the Jungle - A Fifth of George Traditional Cache 2013-03-29
+4.0 1.0 GC61TMX Knight Time Event 2015-09-26
+4.0 1.5 GCTX70 Cache & Release - Rip Off Fave 2013-02-27
+4.0 2.0 GC6AJH5 Splitting Hairs Earthcache 2016-04-02
+4.0 2.5 GC4WAJD Trailer Park Boys: Julian Unknown Cache 2014-01-05
+4.0 3.0 GC2P7K7 A Message for The Chief Unknown Cache 2013-06-29
+4.0 3.5 GC44CJ6 Hollywoodland Fave 2013-01-20
+4.0 4.0 GCC5EA Pennington Mine Virtual Cache Virtual Cache 2014-04-26
+4.0 4.5 GC443K6 Concrete Jungle Fave 2013-06-09
+4.0 5.0 GC430W7 Look Out Multi-cache 2013-06-14
+4.5 1.0 GC45G7Y 8. Grid Master Series Traditional Cache 2013-04-09
+4.5 1.5 GC2HE90 That 70's Cache Unknown Cache 2013-02-01
+4.5 2.0 GC3NGKM Optical Illusion Multi-cache 2013-09-05
+4.5 2.5 GC4254V cache clark Traditional Cache 2012-11-29
+4.5 3.0 GC3JC0G Almost Real Traditional Cache 2013-03-29
+4.5 3.5 GC21Z23 As the Crow Flies Multi-cache 2014-02-15
+4.5 4.0 GC2Z2V7 CTF I(B) - Let's Try This Again! Unknown Cache 2014-03-29
+4.5 4.5 GC4GJ7Z Ultimate Date Placed Challenge Unknown Cache 2013-12-30
+4.5 5.0 GC5B2E6 Jayhawk Island (aka Duck Island): A Fateful Trip Wherigo Cache 2015-02-21
+5.0 1.0 GC47BJY Homeless Ranch Multi-cache 2013-08-11
+5.0 1.5 GC2QKY2 The 3rd Corner Fave 2013-06-12
+5.0 2.0 GC2BFKV Challenge of the Century - Streak Unknown Cache 2014-01-04
+5.0 2.5 GC3MVMP Bib 0.051-- Spelldown:... Word Whiz Challenge Unknown Cache 2013-03-28
+5.0 3.0 GC13H9F X Dies of Negotium Challenge Fave 2013-03-29
+5.0 3.5 GC2QX4W Zooming Through... Unknown Cache 2013-12-23
+5.0 4.0 GC3BVYM Trust me It is there Multi-cache 2013-06-14
+5.0 4.5 GC49BRW UV Baby Fave 2013-06-13
+5.0 5.0 GCBD5E Lone Tree Virtual Cache 2013-06-02
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 07:14PM
The owner wanted 10 favorites, sorry to have confused you because I asked for the possibility to change to another number so one can reuse the script for another challenge of the same type.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 07:17PM
Thanks. Easy to get lost in long thread like this.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 24, 2017 07:50PM

When you put in the request, the checker is waiting for you.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 25, 2017 06:44AM
Hi sloth96,

can you provide a link to this 100 Favo Checker here? I would like to try whether I meet this limit as well. Thanks!
Re: Technically Possible?
April 25, 2017 10:15AM
Carnatic Wrote:
> Hi sloth96,
> can you provide a link to this 100 Favo Checker
> here? I would like to try whether I meet this
> limit as well. Thanks!

You qualify. With the 100 favorite points./ events means only events requirement

No I do not want to post the second checker here to eliminate confusion. We already had some with kiecker.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 25, 2017 03:14PM
The Anna checker is online in her thread now. You can work with it there.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 26, 2017 01:09AM

There is now some feedback on what cache types need more D/T grid points.

The code dealing with the find a solution is gone.

The colorful grid still remains to be done.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 26, 2017 07:22AM
sloth96 Wrote:
> Howdy,
> There is now some feedback on what cache types
> need more D/T grid points.

Looks good, but just returns one cache type to focus on for more D/T bins. Is that intentional? E.g. 10Geronimo returned this result:

Some grouping of caches did not have enough distinct D/T for the types.
Find more unique D/T bins in the following cache types Virtual Cache

littlecarntic:) returned:

Some grouping of caches did not have enough distinct D/T for the types.
Find more unique D/T bins in the following cache types Letterbox Hybrid

Can you please include a : after "types"?

> The colorful grid still remains to be done.

You may skip the colors and just do the icons in a table like the one which is returned for my challenge GC6Q1X6.

The box is placed and ready for submission for review :D

Thanks again for your efforts!
Re: Technically Possible?
April 26, 2017 09:39AM
Try using me as a test case. You get a different response.

I may have mentioned before once it finds a reason to stop it does. That is in the works.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 27, 2017 08:24PM
I have expanded the "Helpful hints" report. It now reads as follows for me.

Some grouping of caches did not have enough distinct D/T for the types.
Find more unique D/T bins in the following cache type groups.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.

This is helpful for me as it tells me what cachetypes I need to start finding new dt squares for.

For littlecarnatic:) it reads as below which I will admit is a bit overwhelming.

Some grouping of caches did not have enough distinct D/T for the types.
Find more unique D/T bins in the following cache type groups.
Letterbox Hybrid set needs to have 9 unique D/T squares and does not.
Virtual Cache set needs to have 9 unique D/T squares and does not.
Earthcache set needs to have 9 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Virtual Cache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Multi-cache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Earthcache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Virtual Cache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Earthcache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Earthcache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 18 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Virtual Cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Multi-cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Traditional Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Traditional Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 27 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 36 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 45 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 54 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Fave Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Fave Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 63 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 72 unique D/T squares and does not.
Letterbox Hybrid Event Fave Wherigo Cache Unknown Cache Traditional Cache Virtual Cache Multi-cache Earthcache set needs to have 81 unique D/T squares and does not.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 28, 2017 06:53AM
Hi Sloth96, you seem to be a perfectionist like I am :D. To avoid lengthy replies from your revised query, I would like to suggest the following:

1st line of defense: Check whether the matrix is filled at all. If not, the output should be “Please fill the matrix first and then come back to check again”
2nd line of defense:
You have xx unique combinations of Traditionals
You have xx unique combinations of Mysteries
You have xx unique combinations of Multis
You have xx unique combinations of Virtuals
You have xx unique combinations of Letterboxen
You have xx unique combinations of Earth Caches
You have xx unique combinations of Event caches, z.B. reguläre Events, CITOs, Megas oder Gigas
You have xx unique combinations of Wherigo Caches
You have xx unique combinations of Caches with more than 10 Favourite Points

For the output above I see two options:
Option 1 is to have the output no matter how many combinations one has
Option 2 would be to offer this output only for types with less than 9 unique combinations

Did you make any progress on the graphical output? This would be the priority for me.

Thanks again for all the energy you put into this! >:D<
Re: Technically Possible?
April 28, 2017 11:51AM
Hi sloth96, the checker seems to be switched off. I guess this is due re-programming? Since the cache is already published, I will temporarily disable it.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 28, 2017 12:16PM
Just keep the cache up. The checker will be bouncing up and down as we polish the output.

It should not be down for more than 30 minutes a day.
Re: Technically Possible?
April 29, 2017 04:29PM
Checker resolved and moved to ARCHIVE Checker requests (completed)
Re: Technically Possible?
April 30, 2017 09:45AM
Hi vogelbird, the checker works, but is not yet completed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/30/2017 09:46AM by Carnatic. (view changes)
Re: Technically Possible?
April 30, 2017 08:35PM
Yes I know sloth96 is still working on the output but we agreed to move it to the archved request to avoid more questions from others
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